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GPU Transcoding on Unraid - Printable Version

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GPU Transcoding on Unraid - PapaTrotsky - 2023-11-15

Some context for this: I couldn't get GPU hardware transcoding working on my jellyfin container installed on Unraid. I really struggled with the clarity of the official guides so I decided to just post the solution to my problem exactly in the way I understand it and hope others will too.

Essentially what I had to do was modify my jellyfin container by: adding this line to my extra parameters under Advanced View
Extra Parameters: -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=allĀ  -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=allĀ  --gpus all
That's the exact line I used, I copy and pasted exactly that, obviously without the Extra Parameters part.
Than I created 2 variables in the container editor.

Variable 1:
value: all

Variable 2:
Value: all

Aside from this you need to make sure NVIDIA drivers and NVIDIA container toolkit is installed. On Unraid, you can install the "Nvidia Driver" app/plugin from the built-in apps installer, the author at time of writing is 'ich777'.
The container toolkit just works, I assume it comes with the drivers.
I also installed "GPU Statistics" I don't think it's necessary but it's nice to see how the GPU is performing.
After that I just setup the hardware transcoding on jellyfin and was good to go.
There's 2 ways to verify the functionality. First, you can turn NVENC encoding on in Jellyfin and try to stream a show. The second way is run this command in the Unraid terminal: docker exec -it jellyfin nvidia-smi
If the command outputs a table with GPU statistics you know it worked.

RE: GPU Transcoding on Unraid - Potato Undercover - 2023-11-22

Also, if you are ARC struggler, I just followed guide today, and it is working with the latest kernel fix from thor2002. It was extremely easy to set up, as opposed to what I tried earlier with having to tinker with kernel files(it failed). Only issue is that VPP tone mapping works, the other one makes HDR content fail to play. Both QSV and VAAPI work, not sure which is better. on unraid version 6.12.14

RE: GPU Transcoding on Unraid - Rafael Silva - 2024-04-28

I subscribed just to thank you for this, you're awesome!