[2025-02-19 00:00:00.058 -06:00] [INF] [62] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.TaskCleanDb: Playback Reporting Data Trim [2025-02-19 00:00:00.058 -06:00] [INF] [62] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.TaskCleanDb: MaxDataAge : 3 [2025-02-19 00:00:00.058 -06:00] [INF] [62] Jellyfin.Plugin.PlaybackReporting.Data.ActivityRepository: DeleteOldData : "delete from PlaybackActivity where DateCreated < '2024-11-19 00:00:00.0587719'" [2025-02-19 00:00:00.063 -06:00] [INF] [62] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Playback Reporting Trim Db" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2025-02-19 00:00:01.059 -06:00] [INF] [101] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: Daily trigger for "Playback Reporting Trim Db" set to fire at 2025-02-20 00:00:00.000 -06:00, which is 23:59:58.9410130 from now. [2025-02-19 01:04:45.324 -06:00] [INF] [79] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.Tasks.OptimizeDatabaseTask: Optimizing and vacuuming jellyfin.db... [2025-02-19 01:04:45.324 -06:00] [INF] [83] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Clean Transcode Directory" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2025-02-19 01:04:45.326 -06:00] [INF] [104] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Clean Log Directory" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2025-02-19 01:04:45.447 -06:00] [INF] [104] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Download missing subtitles" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2025-02-19 01:04:45.526 -06:00] [INF] [83] Jellyfin.Plugin.MergeVersions.MergeVersionsManager: Starting plugin, Merging Episodes [2025-02-19 01:04:45.526 -06:00] [INF] [83] Jellyfin.Plugin.MergeVersions.MergeVersionsManager: Scanning for repeated episodes [2025-02-19 01:04:45.619 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Audio Normalization" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2025-02-19 01:04:45.718 -06:00] [INF] [104] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Download missing lyrics" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2025-02-19 01:04:45.840 -06:00] [INF] [79] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.Tasks.OptimizeDatabaseTask: jellyfin.db optimized successfully! [2025-02-19 01:04:45.840 -06:00] [INF] [79] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Optimize database" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2025-02-19 01:04:45.948 -06:00] [INF] [79] Jellyfin.Plugin.MergeVersions.MergeVersionsManager: Starting plugin, Merging Movies [2025-02-19 01:04:45.948 -06:00] [INF] [79] Jellyfin.Plugin.MergeVersions.MergeVersionsManager: Scanning for repeated movies [2025-02-19 01:04:45.950 -06:00] [INF] [104] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "TasksRefreshChannels" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2025-02-19 01:04:46.070 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Clean Cache Directory" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2025-02-19 01:04:46.450 -06:00] [INF] [79] Jellyfin.Plugin.MergeVersions.MergeVersionsManager: Merging Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014) [2025-02-19 01:04:46.483 -06:00] [INF] [79] Jellyfin.Plugin.MergeVersions.MergeVersionsManager: All movies merged [2025-02-19 01:04:46.483 -06:00] [INF] [79] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Merge All Movies" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2025-02-19 01:04:46.722 -06:00] [INF] [83] Jellyfin.Plugin.MergeVersions.MergeVersionsManager: Merging Crows Encounters of the Bird Kind (2023) [2025-02-19 01:04:46.723 -06:00] [INF] [83] Jellyfin.Plugin.MergeVersions.MergeVersionsManager: Merging Crab-solutely Fabulous (2023) [2025-02-19 01:04:46.723 -06:00] [INF] [83] Jellyfin.Plugin.MergeVersions.MergeVersionsManager: Merging Show Mama from the Grave (2022) [2025-02-19 01:04:46.723 -06:00] [INF] [83] Jellyfin.Plugin.MergeVersions.MergeVersionsManager: Merging Episodes task finished [2025-02-19 01:04:46.723 -06:00] [INF] [83] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Merge All Episodes" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 1 seconds [2025-02-19 01:04:47.127 -06:00] [INF] [104] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Update Plugins" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 1 seconds [2025-02-19 01:04:48.808 -06:00] [INF] [83] Jellyfin.LiveTv.Guide.GuideManager: Refreshing guide with 7 days of guide data [2025-02-19 01:04:48.814 -06:00] [INF] [83] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Refresh Guide" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 3 seconds [2025-02-19 01:06:47.328 -06:00] [INF] [78] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Stopping directory watching for path "/data/media/movies" [2025-02-19 01:06:47.331 -06:00] [INF] [78] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Stopping directory watching for path "/data/media/tv" [2025-02-19 01:06:47.332 -06:00] [INF] [78] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Validating media library [2025-02-19 01:06:47.637 -06:00] [WRN] [78] MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.BaseItem: Library folder "/config/data/playlists" is inaccessible or empty, skipping [2025-02-19 01:06:47.877 -06:00] [WRN] [41] MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.BaseItem: Library folder "/config/data/playlists" is inaccessible or empty, skipping [2025-02-19 01:06:53.935 -06:00] [INF] [63] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 23", Path: "/data/media/tv/Pokémon/Season 23", Id: 875ea9d2-da57-69ed-c3cf-7db41f54e8ea [2025-02-19 01:06:54.484 -06:00] [INF] [63] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 20", Path: "/data/media/tv/Pokémon/Season 20", Id: d1ebab59-9132-7f75-374b-67d491d20752 [2025-02-19 01:06:54.563 -06:00] [INF] [63] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 21", Path: "/data/media/tv/Pokémon/Season 21", Id: ff4a5eff-afe4-e7d0-f598-0e4b794711f0 [2025-02-19 01:06:54.574 -06:00] [ERR] [78] MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager: "TvdbSeasonImageProvider" failed in GetImageInfos for type "Season" at null HTTP Response: {"status":"failure","message":"InvalidValueType: cannot make item path","data":null} Tvdb.Sdk.SeasonsException: Invalid seasons id Status: 400 Response: {"status":"failure","message":"InvalidValueType: cannot make item path","data":null} at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.SeasonClient.ExtendedSeasonClient.GetSeasonExtendedWithTranslationsAsync(Double id, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.TvdbClientManager.GetSeasonByIdAsync(Int32 seasonTvdbId, String language, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetSeasonArtworks(Int32 seriesTvdbId, Int32 seasonNumber, String displayOrder, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetImages(BaseItem item, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager.GetImages(BaseItem item, IRemoteImageProvider provider, String preferredLanguage, Boolean includeAllLanguages, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Nullable`1 type) [2025-02-19 01:06:54.650 -06:00] [INF] [63] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 22", Path: "/data/media/tv/Pokémon/Season 22", Id: 76c78bdc-637a-18dc-bdf5-588ea94d374e [2025-02-19 01:06:54.714 -06:00] [INF] [63] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 24", Path: "/data/media/tv/Pokémon/Season 24", Id: 04c31282-634c-0a81-8798-747e74811b91 [2025-02-19 01:06:54.789 -06:00] [INF] [63] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 25", Path: "/data/media/tv/Pokémon/Season 25", Id: 8e281871-1a6e-b298-ed90-b6343ba5efb2 [2025-02-19 01:06:55.170 -06:00] [ERR] [63] MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager: "TvdbSeasonImageProvider" failed in GetImageInfos for type "Season" at null HTTP Response: {"status":"failure","message":"InvalidValueType: cannot make item path","data":null} Tvdb.Sdk.SeasonsException: Invalid seasons id Status: 400 Response: {"status":"failure","message":"InvalidValueType: cannot make item path","data":null} at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.SeasonClient.ExtendedSeasonClient.GetSeasonExtendedWithTranslationsAsync(Double id, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.TvdbClientManager.GetSeasonByIdAsync(Int32 seasonTvdbId, String language, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetSeasonArtworks(Int32 seriesTvdbId, Int32 seasonNumber, String displayOrder, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetImages(BaseItem item, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager.GetImages(BaseItem item, IRemoteImageProvider provider, String preferredLanguage, Boolean includeAllLanguages, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Nullable`1 type) [2025-02-19 01:06:55.575 -06:00] [ERR] [47] MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager: "TvdbSeasonImageProvider" failed in GetImageInfos for type "Season" at null HTTP Response: {"status":"failure","message":"InvalidValueType: cannot make item path","data":null} Tvdb.Sdk.SeasonsException: Invalid seasons id Status: 400 Response: {"status":"failure","message":"InvalidValueType: cannot make item path","data":null} at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.SeasonClient.ExtendedSeasonClient.GetSeasonExtendedWithTranslationsAsync(Double id, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.TvdbClientManager.GetSeasonByIdAsync(Int32 seasonTvdbId, String language, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetSeasonArtworks(Int32 seriesTvdbId, Int32 seasonNumber, String displayOrder, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetImages(BaseItem item, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager.GetImages(BaseItem item, IRemoteImageProvider provider, String preferredLanguage, Boolean includeAllLanguages, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Nullable`1 type) [2025-02-19 01:06:55.871 -06:00] [ERR] [94] MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager: "TvdbSeasonImageProvider" failed in GetImageInfos for type "Season" at null HTTP Response: {"status":"failure","message":"InvalidValueType: cannot make item path","data":null} Tvdb.Sdk.SeasonsException: Invalid seasons id Status: 400 Response: {"status":"failure","message":"InvalidValueType: cannot make item path","data":null} at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.SeasonClient.ExtendedSeasonClient.GetSeasonExtendedWithTranslationsAsync(Double id, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.TvdbClientManager.GetSeasonByIdAsync(Int32 seasonTvdbId, String language, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetSeasonArtworks(Int32 seriesTvdbId, Int32 seasonNumber, String displayOrder, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetImages(BaseItem item, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager.GetImages(BaseItem item, IRemoteImageProvider provider, String preferredLanguage, Boolean includeAllLanguages, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Nullable`1 type) [2025-02-19 01:06:56.217 -06:00] [ERR] [83] MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager: "TvdbSeasonImageProvider" failed in GetImageInfos for type "Season" at null HTTP Response: {"status":"failure","message":"InvalidValueType: cannot make item path","data":null} Tvdb.Sdk.SeasonsException: Invalid seasons id Status: 400 Response: {"status":"failure","message":"InvalidValueType: cannot make item path","data":null} at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.SeasonClient.ExtendedSeasonClient.GetSeasonExtendedWithTranslationsAsync(Double id, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.TvdbClientManager.GetSeasonByIdAsync(Int32 seasonTvdbId, String language, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetSeasonArtworks(Int32 seriesTvdbId, Int32 seasonNumber, String displayOrder, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetImages(BaseItem item, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager.GetImages(BaseItem item, IRemoteImageProvider provider, String preferredLanguage, Boolean includeAllLanguages, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Nullable`1 type) [2025-02-19 01:06:59.529 -06:00] [INF] [17] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Media Segment Scan" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 12 seconds [2025-02-19 01:07:01.984 -06:00] [INF] [60] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 23 in series "Pokémon" [2025-02-19 01:07:01.984 -06:00] [INF] [60] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 23", Path: "", Id: e449e2b9-a1fa-ebf0-65fe-c98ecaab0664 [2025-02-19 01:07:02.014 -06:00] [INF] [60] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 20 in series "Pokémon" [2025-02-19 01:07:02.015 -06:00] [INF] [60] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 20", Path: "", Id: 77a83930-ed77-ed05-efb8-7051c7a3772a [2025-02-19 01:07:02.049 -06:00] [INF] [60] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 22 in series "Pokémon" [2025-02-19 01:07:02.049 -06:00] [INF] [60] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 22", Path: "", Id: 0a87b474-47d9-4df5-e605-04d321859bf1 [2025-02-19 01:07:02.055 -06:00] [INF] [74] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Penn & Teller: Fool Us" [2025-02-19 01:07:02.086 -06:00] [INF] [60] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 25 in series "Pokémon" [2025-02-19 01:07:02.086 -06:00] [INF] [60] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 25", Path: "", Id: 8f8897bd-4204-96b3-f91e-a8468957fe88 [2025-02-19 01:07:02.120 -06:00] [INF] [60] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 24 in series "Pokémon" [2025-02-19 01:07:02.120 -06:00] [INF] [60] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 24", Path: "", Id: 769109a2-6058-f44a-ef6d-144836938966 [2025-02-19 01:07:02.150 -06:00] [INF] [60] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 21 in series "Pokémon" [2025-02-19 01:07:02.150 -06:00] [INF] [60] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 21", Path: "", Id: 8ac91a9c-09f3-a27d-a81e-c03c11cc92b7 [2025-02-19 01:07:02.155 -06:00] [INF] [74] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Starting "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffprobe" with args "-analyzeduration 200M -probesize 1G -i file:\"/data/media/tv/Penn & Teller - Fool Us/Season 10/Penn & Teller - Fool Us - S10E16 - Magicians Like to Spoon WEBDL-1080p.mkv\" -threads 0 -v warning -print_format json -show_streams -show_chapters -show_format" [2025-02-19 01:07:02.697 -06:00] [INF] [60] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Episode", Name: "Magicians Like to Spoon", Path: "", Id: 89d8f007-83cf-4ec7-54ea-8ae010bfb2e3 [2025-02-19 01:07:02.706 -06:00] [INF] [60] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Starting "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffprobe" with args "-analyzeduration 200M -probesize 1G -i file:\"/data/media/tv/Penn & Teller - Fool Us/Season 10/Penn & Teller - Fool Us - S10E09 - Penn & Teller vs. A Magic Hamster WEBDL-720p.mkv\" -threads 0 -v warning -print_format json -show_streams -show_chapters -show_format" [2025-02-19 01:07:03.129 -06:00] [INF] [63] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Episode", Name: "Penn & Teller vs. A Magic Hamster", Path: "", Id: b5a85e85-a24c-e140-60d0-56e64a2e0c8a [2025-02-19 01:07:03.139 -06:00] [INF] [63] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Starting "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffprobe" with args "-analyzeduration 200M -probesize 1G -i file:\"/data/media/tv/Penn & Teller - Fool Us/Season 10/Penn & Teller - Fool Us - S10E15 - Dan Quayle Gets Shot by a T-Shirt Cannon WEBDL-1080p.mkv\" -threads 0 -v warning -print_format json -show_streams -show_chapters -show_format" [2025-02-19 01:07:03.472 -06:00] [INF] [63] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Episode", Name: "Dan Quayle Gets Shot by a T-Shirt Cannon", Path: "", Id: a507fe42-b967-5233-f691-de6eff87e293 [2025-02-19 01:07:03.480 -06:00] [INF] [63] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Starting "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffprobe" with args "-analyzeduration 200M -probesize 1G -i file:\"/data/media/tv/Penn & Teller - Fool Us/Season 10/Penn & Teller - Fool Us - S10E17 - It Takes Balls to Be a Magician WEBDL-1080p.mkv\" -threads 0 -v warning -print_format json -show_streams -show_chapters -show_format" [2025-02-19 01:07:03.801 -06:00] [INF] [63] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Episode", Name: "It Takes Balls to Be a Magician", Path: "", Id: 930e5431-932e-b729-ced9-7fbd20fe635a [2025-02-19 01:07:03.878 -06:00] [INF] [63] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season null in series "Penn & Teller: Fool Us" [2025-02-19 01:07:03.878 -06:00] [INF] [63] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 97bbcb9a-9934-a1a1-a156-64ef95b70c27 [2025-02-19 01:07:15.395 -06:00] [INF] [63] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Scan Media Library" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 28 seconds [2025-02-19 01:07:15.709 -06:00] [INF] [68] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "/data/media/tv" [2025-02-19 01:07:15.956 -06:00] [INF] [85] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "/data/media/movies" [2025-02-19 02:00:00.599 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Nick Starr" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.681 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Old Man McGucket's Conspiracy Corner: Eyes" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.683 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Old Man McGucket's Conspiracy Corner: Government Agency" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.683 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Old Man McGucket's Conspiracy Corner: Laptop Code" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.684 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Old Man McGucket's Conspiracy Corner: Stan's Brother" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.686 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "'Pocalypse Preppin': Hunkered Down" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.687 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "'Pocalypse Preppin': How'd It Happen?" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.688 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "'Pocalypse Preppin': Governor of America" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.688 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Shop at Home with Mr. Mystery: Fez" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.690 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Shop at Home with Mr. Mystery: Mystery Box" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.694 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Shop at Home with Mr. Mystery: Outtakes" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.742 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Never Meet Your Heroes" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.745 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Echoes" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.746 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Partners, Am I Right?" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.748 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Ronin" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.748 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "So This Is Christmas?" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.911 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Prelude ZZ" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.912 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Boy from Shangri-La" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.913 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Knight of the Endra" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.913 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The White Mobile Suit" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.914 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Day He Met the Machine" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.915 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Hot-Blooded Mashymre" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.915 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Black Gundam" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.916 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Üso's Battle" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.916 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Judau's Decision" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.917 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Departure" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.917 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "For Whom Do We Fight?" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.917 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Zssa Menace" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.917 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Inside the Capsule" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.918 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Godzorla's Counterattack" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.918 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Gaza Storm" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.919 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Emma's Decision" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.919 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "A Warrior's Brilliance" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.920 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Funeral Bell Tolls Twice" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.921 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Sound of the Guillotine" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.921 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Father and Son" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.921 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Judau in Space" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.922 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Clash! Wave Attack" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.923 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "To Earth" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.923 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Departure" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.924 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Sayonara, Fa" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.925 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Escape from Side One" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.925 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Vivid! Shrike Team" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.926 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Activate! Double Zeta" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.927 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Dark Side of the Moon" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.927 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Shrike Team Bulwark" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.927 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Leina Vanishes" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.928 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "A New Bond" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.929 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Little Sister!" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.929 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Smash the Guillotine" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.929 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Reunion" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.931 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Phantom Colony (Part 1)" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.931 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Gibraltar Airspace" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.931 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Entering the Atmosphere" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.932 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Battle of Gibraltar" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.933 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Phantom Colony (Part 2)" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.933 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Winds of Jaburo" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.934 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Space Dust" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.934 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Shuttle Launch" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.935 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Reinforce, Lift Off" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.935 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Melee Aboard the Argama" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.936 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Amuro Flies Again" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.936 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Queen of the Empire" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.937 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Katz's Sortie" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.938 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Retrieve the Core Top!" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.938 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Space Fleet Battle" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.938 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Through the Haze of Darkness" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.939 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Haman's Black Shadow" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.940 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Search for Shakti" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.940 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Hong Kong City" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.940 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Ple and Axis" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.941 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Mirai Captured" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.941 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Eve of the Decisive Battle" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.942 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Cinderella Four" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.943 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Crybaby Cecilia (Part 1)" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.943 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Strike the Strategic Satellite" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.944 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Heated Escape" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.945 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Tiger of Space" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.945 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Crybaby Cecilia (Part 2)" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.946 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Judau, Launch!" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.946 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Infiltrating Zanscare" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.947 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "A Sign of Zeta" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.947 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Battle of the Capital" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.947 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Eyes of Scirocco" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.948 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Burning Earth" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.949 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "To Enemy Ships and Enemy Lands" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.949 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Moon Attack" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.949 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Sibling Love Blooming in the Southern Seas" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.950 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Maria and Üso" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.950 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Counterattack" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.951 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Face of Rommel" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.952 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "A Flash That Runs Through Space" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.952 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Colony Drop" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.953 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Masai's Heart" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.954 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Great Escape" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.954 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Leina's Blood (Part 1)" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.954 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Ghost of Zeon" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.954 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The New Suit: V2" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.955 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Rendezvous with Char" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.956 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Leina's Blood (Part 2)" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.956 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Mother's Gundam" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.957 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Jupitris Infiltration" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.958 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Launch the Motorad" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.958 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Runaway Roux" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.958 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Crisis at Side Two" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.959 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Doggoria's Violent Advance" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.960 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Blue Corps (Part 1)" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.960 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Jerid's Desperate Attack" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.961 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The People Who Dwell in the Sea" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.962 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Blue Corps (Part 2)" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.962 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Half-Moon Love" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.962 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Operation Giant Roller" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.963 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Across the Salt Lake" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.964 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Unidentified Mobile Suits" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.964 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Mother or Shakti?" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.965 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Afternoon in Dublin" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.965 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Messenger From Axis" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.966 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Mother, Return to the Earth" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.967 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Kamille's Voice" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.967 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Call of Darkness" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.968 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Twinrad Counterattack" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.969 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Falling Sky" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.969 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Storm Over Kilimanjaro" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.969 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Dyeing the North Sea in Flames" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.970 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Ple-Two Under Gravity" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.970 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Song of the Wings of Light" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.970 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Forever Four" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.971 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Nahel Argama" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.972 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Day of Dakar" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.973 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Iron Wall of Jamru Fin" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.973 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Beneath the Ultra-High Altitude Attack" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.974 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Reccoa's Shadow" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.974 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Second Coming of Sarasa" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.975 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Battlefield That Father Made" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.976 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "By the Lake" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.977 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Tigerbaum Dream" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.977 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "A Shining Vortex of Fresh Blood" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.978 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Activation of Gryps" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.978 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Rasara's Life" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.978 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Fuala, the Comet of the Battlefield" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.980 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Awakening" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.980 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Love Lies at the End of Light" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.980 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Girl from Core 3 (Part 1)" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.982 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Goodbye, Rosammy" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.982 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Girl from Core 3 (Part 2)" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.982 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Üso Dances in Hallucination" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.983 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Haman's Victory" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.984 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Emary's Glory" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.984 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Gate of Zedan" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.985 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Tassilo's Mutiny" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.985 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Battle of Axis" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.985 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Coming from the Heavens" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.986 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Women's Battlefield" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.986 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Vibration" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.986 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Scirocco Rises" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.987 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Fading Life, Blooming Life" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.987 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Warrior, Once More..." as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.987 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "A Descent Into the Maelstrom" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.987 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Atop the Angel's Halo" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.988 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Mirror of Rosamia" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.988 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "A Showdown Demanded by Hate" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.989 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Casualties of War" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.989 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Ascension of Angels" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:00.989 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Riders in the Skies" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:01.000 -06:00] [INF] [90] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: Daily trigger for "Extract Chapter Images" set to fire at 2025-02-20 02:00:00.000 -06:00, which is 23:59:58.9991340 from now. [2025-02-19 02:00:01.138 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "After Hours" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:01.138 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Inside Man" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:01.138 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Stopping chapter extraction for "Inside Man" because a chapter was found with a position greater than the runtime. [2025-02-19 02:00:01.138 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Bliss" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:01.138 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Stopping chapter extraction for "Bliss" because a chapter was found with a position greater than the runtime. [2025-02-19 02:00:01.138 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Cent'anni" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:01.139 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Stopping chapter extraction for "Cent'anni" because a chapter was found with a position greater than the runtime. [2025-02-19 02:00:01.139 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Homecoming" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:01.139 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Stopping chapter extraction for "Homecoming" because a chapter was found with a position greater than the runtime. [2025-02-19 02:00:01.139 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Gold Summit" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:01.139 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Top Hat" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:01.140 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "A Great Or Little Thing" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:01.145 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Huffin and Puffin" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:01.301 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "What If… Captain Carter Were The First Avenger?" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:01.311 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "What If…The Watcher Disappeared? (1)" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:01.312 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "What If…What If? (2)" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:02.268 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicate" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:02.384 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Zenon: The Zequel" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:02.384 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Zenon: Z3" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:02.385 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "The Lion King at the Hollywood Bowl" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:10.003 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Stopping chapter extraction for "Frozen II" because a chapter was found with a position greater than the runtime. [2025-02-19 02:00:10.081 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Stopping chapter extraction for "Repo Men" because a chapter was found with a position greater than the runtime. [2025-02-19 02:00:10.208 -06:00] [INF] [16] Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager: Skipping chapter image extraction for "Avengers: Infinity War" as the average chapter duration 0 was lower than the minimum threshold 10000000 [2025-02-19 02:00:13.449 -06:00] [INF] [138] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Extract Chapter Images" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 13 seconds [2025-02-19 02:19:23.111 -06:00] [INF] [30] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: "Season 1" ("/data/media/tv/Doc 2025/Season 1") will be refreshed. [2025-02-19 02:19:23.184 -06:00] [INF] [129] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: "tv" ("/data/media/tv") will be refreshed. [2025-02-19 02:19:23.248 -06:00] [INF] [30] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Starting "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffprobe" with args "-analyzeduration 200M -probesize 1G -i file:\"/data/media/tv/Doc 2025/Season 1/Doc (US) - S01E07 - Secrets and Lies WEBDL-1080p.mkv\" -threads 0 -v warning -print_format json -show_streams -show_chapters -show_format" [2025-02-19 02:19:24.905 -06:00] [INF] [30] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Episode", Name: "Secrets and Lies", Path: "", Id: b5fa7d7e-53d4-dc14-a12f-e5b9b35e4f88 [2025-02-19 02:19:29.751 -06:00] [INF] [121] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 23", Path: "/data/media/tv/Pokémon/Season 23", Id: 875ea9d2-da57-69ed-c3cf-7db41f54e8ea [2025-02-19 02:19:29.787 -06:00] [INF] [121] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 20", Path: "/data/media/tv/Pokémon/Season 20", Id: d1ebab59-9132-7f75-374b-67d491d20752 [2025-02-19 02:19:29.843 -06:00] [INF] [121] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 21", Path: "/data/media/tv/Pokémon/Season 21", Id: ff4a5eff-afe4-e7d0-f598-0e4b794711f0 [2025-02-19 02:19:29.897 -06:00] [INF] [121] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 22", Path: "/data/media/tv/Pokémon/Season 22", Id: 76c78bdc-637a-18dc-bdf5-588ea94d374e [2025-02-19 02:19:29.965 -06:00] [INF] [121] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 24", Path: "/data/media/tv/Pokémon/Season 24", Id: 04c31282-634c-0a81-8798-747e74811b91 [2025-02-19 02:19:30.014 -06:00] [INF] [121] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 25", Path: "/data/media/tv/Pokémon/Season 25", Id: 8e281871-1a6e-b298-ed90-b6343ba5efb2 [2025-02-19 02:19:33.270 -06:00] [INF] [135] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 23 in series "Pokémon" [2025-02-19 02:19:33.270 -06:00] [INF] [135] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 23", Path: "", Id: e449e2b9-a1fa-ebf0-65fe-c98ecaab0664 [2025-02-19 02:19:33.305 -06:00] [INF] [135] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 20 in series "Pokémon" [2025-02-19 02:19:33.305 -06:00] [INF] [135] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 20", Path: "", Id: 77a83930-ed77-ed05-efb8-7051c7a3772a [2025-02-19 02:19:33.336 -06:00] [INF] [135] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 21 in series "Pokémon" [2025-02-19 02:19:33.336 -06:00] [INF] [135] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 21", Path: "", Id: 8ac91a9c-09f3-a27d-a81e-c03c11cc92b7 [2025-02-19 02:19:33.442 -06:00] [INF] [135] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 22 in series "Pokémon" [2025-02-19 02:19:33.442 -06:00] [INF] [135] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 22", Path: "", Id: 0a87b474-47d9-4df5-e605-04d321859bf1 [2025-02-19 02:19:33.494 -06:00] [INF] [135] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 24 in series "Pokémon" [2025-02-19 02:19:33.494 -06:00] [INF] [135] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 24", Path: "", Id: 769109a2-6058-f44a-ef6d-144836938966 [2025-02-19 02:19:33.530 -06:00] [INF] [135] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 25 in series "Pokémon" [2025-02-19 02:19:33.530 -06:00] [INF] [135] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 25", Path: "", Id: 8f8897bd-4204-96b3-f91e-a8468957fe88 [2025-02-19 02:19:33.964 -06:00] [ERR] [70] MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager: "TvdbSeasonImageProvider" failed in GetImageInfos for type "Season" at null HTTP Response: {"status":"failure","message":"InvalidValueType: cannot make item path","data":null} Tvdb.Sdk.SeasonsException: Invalid seasons id Status: 400 Response: {"status":"failure","message":"InvalidValueType: cannot make item path","data":null} at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.SeasonClient.ExtendedSeasonClient.GetSeasonExtendedWithTranslationsAsync(Double id, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.TvdbClientManager.GetSeasonByIdAsync(Int32 seasonTvdbId, String language, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetSeasonArtworks(Int32 seriesTvdbId, Int32 seasonNumber, String displayOrder, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetImages(BaseItem item, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager.GetImages(BaseItem item, IRemoteImageProvider provider, String preferredLanguage, Boolean includeAllLanguages, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Nullable`1 type) [2025-02-19 02:19:34.119 -06:00] [ERR] [70] MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager: "TvdbSeasonImageProvider" failed in GetImageInfos for type "Season" at null HTTP Response: {"status":"failure","message":"InvalidValueType: cannot make item path","data":null} Tvdb.Sdk.SeasonsException: Invalid seasons id Status: 400 Response: {"status":"failure","message":"InvalidValueType: cannot make item path","data":null} at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.SeasonClient.ExtendedSeasonClient.GetSeasonExtendedWithTranslationsAsync(Double id, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.TvdbClientManager.GetSeasonByIdAsync(Int32 seasonTvdbId, String language, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetSeasonArtworks(Int32 seriesTvdbId, Int32 seasonNumber, String displayOrder, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetImages(BaseItem item, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager.GetImages(BaseItem item, IRemoteImageProvider provider, String preferredLanguage, Boolean includeAllLanguages, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Nullable`1 type) [2025-02-19 02:19:34.254 -06:00] [ERR] [70] MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager: "TvdbSeasonImageProvider" failed in GetImageInfos for type "Season" at null HTTP Response: {"status":"failure","message":"InvalidValueType: cannot make item path","data":null} Tvdb.Sdk.SeasonsException: Invalid seasons id Status: 400 Response: {"status":"failure","message":"InvalidValueType: cannot make item path","data":null} at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.SeasonClient.ExtendedSeasonClient.GetSeasonExtendedWithTranslationsAsync(Double id, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.TvdbClientManager.GetSeasonByIdAsync(Int32 seasonTvdbId, String language, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetSeasonArtworks(Int32 seriesTvdbId, Int32 seasonNumber, String displayOrder, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetImages(BaseItem item, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager.GetImages(BaseItem item, IRemoteImageProvider provider, String preferredLanguage, Boolean includeAllLanguages, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Nullable`1 type) [2025-02-19 02:19:34.414 -06:00] [INF] [70] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 22 in series "Pokémon" [2025-02-19 02:19:34.414 -06:00] [INF] [70] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 22", Path: "", Id: 0a87b474-47d9-4df5-e605-04d321859bf1 [2025-02-19 02:19:34.480 -06:00] [INF] [70] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 24 in series "Pokémon" [2025-02-19 02:19:34.480 -06:00] [INF] [70] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 24", Path: "", Id: 769109a2-6058-f44a-ef6d-144836938966 [2025-02-19 02:19:37.801 -06:00] [INF] [100] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Win or Lose" [2025-02-19 02:19:38.082 -06:00] [INF] [100] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Starting "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffprobe" with args "-analyzeduration 200M -probesize 1G -i file:\"/data/media/tv/Win or Lose/Season 1/Win or Lose - S01E01 - Coach's Kid WEBDL-1080p.mkv\" -threads 0 -v warning -print_format json -show_streams -show_chapters -show_format" [2025-02-19 02:19:38.790 -06:00] [INF] [100] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Starting "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffprobe" with args "-analyzeduration 200M -probesize 1G -i file:\"/data/media/tv/Win or Lose/Season 1/Win or Lose - S01E02 - Blue WEBDL-1080p.mkv\" -threads 0 -v warning -print_format json -show_streams -show_chapters -show_format" [2025-02-19 02:19:39.508 -06:00] [INF] [116] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season null in series "Win or Lose" [2025-02-19 02:19:39.508 -06:00] [INF] [116] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: ed206d97-8a4d-4463-018e-d4293f0e8803 [2025-02-19 02:34:52.844 -06:00] [INF] [68] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: "Season 8" ("/data/media/tv/Kitchen Nightmares (2007)/Season 8") will be refreshed. [2025-02-19 02:34:52.875 -06:00] [INF] [68] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Starting "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffprobe" with args "-analyzeduration 200M -probesize 1G -i file:\"/data/media/tv/Kitchen Nightmares (2007)/Season 8/Kitchen Nightmares (US) - S08E07 - Verdict WEBDL-1080p.mkv\" -threads 0 -v warning -print_format json -show_streams -show_chapters -show_format" [2025-02-19 02:34:54.284 -06:00] [INF] [68] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Episode", Name: "Verdict", Path: "", Id: e3c24bed-7a7b-72e7-512c-1ea00488bd8c [2025-02-19 03:00:00.669 -06:00] [INF] [133] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Generate Trickplay Images" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2025-02-19 03:00:00.999 -06:00] [INF] [23] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: Daily trigger for "Generate Trickplay Images" set to fire at 2025-02-20 03:00:00.000 -06:00, which is 23:59:59.0005294 from now. [2025-02-19 09:43:12.125 -06:00] [INF] [147] Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.WebSocketManager: WS "" request