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SOLVED: Transcoding not working (i have RX5700 Win10) - Printable Version

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Transcoding not working (i have RX5700 Win10) - touhami _dz - 2024-01-25

short question : im trying to do transcoding after following the documentaions im getting this picture on my phone :

more details :
im rly new to Homeserver stuff im rly exited about it and i choose jellyfin to do the job 
i have RX5700 with last driver adrenaline clean install and a windows 10 64 bit and i have last version of jellyfin that i downloaded from Github i am using a second smartphone for testing it has android 12.0.18 it's a Redmi 9A has jellyfin 2.6.0 when transcoding is off everything works fine but this old device cant run 4k60fps youtube videos that i downloaded so i decided to run activate AMD MF Transcoding and here is some pictures
the video im trying to transcode :
i edited the gpedit.msc (i disabled that just like documentations said)
so where is the problem ?

RE: Transcoding not working (i have RX5700 Win10) - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-25

There are a couple extra steps you need to do for setting up transcoding on Windows.

RE: Transcoding not working (i have RX5700 Win10) - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-25

Didn't see your edit. Can you share your ffmpeg and jellyfin logs with us?

RE: Transcoding not working (i have RX5700 Win10) - touhami _dz - 2024-01-26
i downloaded
and changed the folder but same problem so i switched back to the default and the default files for ffmpeg i use are :

RE: Transcoding not working (i have RX5700 Win10) - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-26

I have never seen the error in your ffmpeg log before. Run DDU and reinstall the latest drivers.

RE: Transcoding not working (i have RX5700 Win10) - nyanmisaka - 2024-01-26

There is a regression in AMD's OpenCL runtime. Please stick with 23.x.x driver until it's fixed.

I will try to report this to AMD stuffs.

For details:

The error Failed to release texture: -60 happened in clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsKHR(), which is used to release the DX11->OpenCL interop texture.

It returns -60 which is ridiculous. Because -60 (CL_INVALID_GL_OBJECT) is used exclusively in OpenGL/CL sharing, not DX11/CL sharing. According to the OpenCL documentation, this value is also not within the return value range of this function.

After digging deeper into AMD's OpenCL runtime (clr), I found that the return code -60 only used by OpenGL/CL interop does appear on the return path of this DX11/CL sharing function. And they refactored this part of the code not long ago.

// jellyfin-ffmpeg/libavutil/hwcontext_opencl.c
static void opencl_unmap_from_d3d11(AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc,
                                    HWMapDescriptor *hwmap)
    AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor    *desc = hwmap->priv;
    OpenCLDeviceContext *device_priv = dst_fc->device_ctx->internal->priv;
    OpenCLFramesContext *frames_priv = dst_fc->internal->priv;
    cl_event event;
    cl_int cle;

    cle = device_priv->clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsKHR(
        frames_priv->command_queue, desc->nb_planes, desc->planes,
        0, NULL, &event);
    if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) {
        av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release texture "
              "handle: %d.\n", cle);

    opencl_wait_events(dst_fc, &event, 1);

RE: Transcoding not working (i have RX5700 Win10) - nyanmisaka - 2024-01-26

Reported it here.

RE: Transcoding not working (i have RX5700 Win10) - nyanmisaka - 2024-01-26

I've made some progress. Please download to unzip this jellyfin-ffmpeg6 and put it into the Jellyfin installation directory. Then try again in Jellyfin. Let me know if it works.

RE: Transcoding not working (i have RX5700 Win10) - touhami _dz - 2024-01-26

i didnt change the driver i downloaded the ffmpeg u provided and it didnt work sadly :
when i edit the ffmpeg path after restart it goes back to default path i dont know why
i put the new ffmpeg u provided on the default just like in this picture
i tried to put it on another folder and changed the path saved and tried same problem

RE: Transcoding not working (i have RX5700 Win10) - touhami _dz - 2024-01-26

I used amdcleanuputility.exe to unistall old driver and than installed ADRENALINE 23.12.1
Now it works but it's extremely slow i waited 1 min to watch 6sec than it stopped after 24 sec i get like 2 sec more it's unwatchable
the Gpu seems like he is not working much
note i have i3-4160 but i dont think the cpu is the problem cuz im using AMD AMF and he doesnt go 100%