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Does my jellyfin not like AC/DC ? - Printable Version

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RE: Does my jellyfin not like AC/DC ? - Revv23 - 2023-10-19

I'm too late to help, but just want to say my AC/DC is in AC_DC folder, tagged in picard as AC/DC.

unrelated note, wish there existed a really good music player... have all this music yet cant compete with the automatic playlist creativity of streaming services.

RE: Does my jellyfin not like AC/DC ? - Deleted User - 2023-10-19

(2023-10-19, 05:51 PM)Revv23 Wrote: unrelated note, wish there existed a really good music player... have all this music yet cant compete with the automatic playlist creativity of streaming services.


i also enjoy the convenience of offers that allow you to purchase albums already in streaming format and instantly have them in 'my collection' without all the extra work of ripping and tagging

RE: Does my jellyfin not like AC/DC ? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-19

Another +1

Music streaming can never be replaced by any self-hosted platform, IMO. There is just so much music out there waiting to be discovered. And the algorithms for suggestions has gotten quite good. I've found more new artists through Amazon Music's suggestions in the last 3 years I've subscribed to them than I have in the last 10-15 years prior.

Any music I do purchase does get listened to via Jellyfin.

RE: Does my jellyfin not like AC/DC ? - pixel24 - 2023-10-19

i don't want streaming providers. Yes, my collection can not keep up with such providers. Currently there are about 25000. However, I have these all digitized from audio CD's myself (all complete albums and a few samplers) and as I find in a good format. Ogg-Vorbis with -m 256 -M 512 and all with correction value for the volume (vorbisgain). Ok, Jellyfin evaluates that unfortunately not yet. Should come :-)

I have a good structure and clean data for file names and tags. Before adding new albums to the library, they are processed with MusicBrainz Picard which, with correct configuration, is not so much work.

I never had such a problem as these days with AC/DC before. In the end it was neither due to the file names. Ok, AC/DC as file name would be suboptimal under Linux. Nor at the ID3 tags but only at a wrong MusicBrainz ID for the artist.

About smart playlists in JF I have not yet thought about. I create my playlist mainly via random playback. Either from the albums or genres view. I don't sort the tracks in my playlists. I use those with the shuffle as well. This works well in JF. I do this a few hours a day :-)

A great software! I'm already looking forward to version 10.9 :-)

RE: Does my jellyfin not like AC/DC ? - Revv23 - 2023-10-30

(2023-10-19, 06:07 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Another +1

Music streaming can never be replaced by any self-hosted platform, IMO.  There is just so much music out there waiting to be discovered.  And the algorithms for suggestions has gotten quite good.  I've found more new artists through Amazon Music's suggestions in the last 3 years I've subscribed to them than I have in the last 10-15 years prior.

Any music I do purchase does get listened to via Jellyfin.

Yeah its the algorithm I'm looking for more than discovery.  If there was an algo based music player for my local files I wouldn't stream anymore.

RE: Does my jellyfin not like AC/DC ? - bitmap - 2023-10-30

Check out Symfonium. Rule-based smart playlists. Not perfect but definitely expands what I listen to on the daily.


RE: Does my jellyfin not like AC/DC ? - gpmnsp - 2023-11-29

Exactly my problem!

I'm trying to set up a music library and am struggling right at the beginning by character 'A'.
I've tried the various methods mentioned here but to no avail. Maybe the problem is the music files which are FLAC and are not 100% correctly tagged. But for the AC/DC files I'm pretty sure as of correct tagging, checked with mp3tag.

For the file structure - I even set up a new one according to the JF recommendations. So that wouldn't be in the way.

But I noticed that even after deleting the library and creating a new one there are remnants (in the db most likely, where else?) like album titles from earlier tries.
How can I get rid of these? Or does that mean when having once a wrong item in the db I never ever can have the right one instead?

Anyway. This is just ridiculous.
I already spent too much time with this. I'm ready to give up. Unamused-face