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SOLVED: Why is one season missing its folder? - Printable Version

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RE: Why is one season missing its folder? - skribe - 2023-06-29

(2023-06-29, 11:31 PM)bigggtuna Wrote:
(2023-06-29, 11:05 PM)skribe Wrote:
(2023-06-29, 10:39 PM)bigggtuna Wrote: I just checked it all again for the dozenth time and it is correct. A folder called season 3 with the correct episodes labaled S03E0X which matches the entry on tvdb with the correct ID.

And what about the metadata sources configured for the library in question? Can you share those please? You can find and configure them by selecting "manage library" from context menu for the library in question under the libraries section of your server dashboard.

The sources are
TV Shows - TheMovieDb, The Open Movie Database
Seasons - TheMovieDb
Episodes - TheMovieDb, The Open Movie Database

How can I add tvdb? I dont see an option anywhere to add a source. Regardless, TheMovieDb has the same episode setup as th tvdb, and this has been ocurring long before I added the tvdb ID to the folder name.

You will need to install and configure the tvdb plugin, and then you will be able to select it for that library. If doing the above fixed the issue, though, you likely could have simply told it to replace all metadata with a metadata refresh. So you might try that if it happened again.

In any case, it's probably a good idea to make sure that you have the tvdb plugin installed if you want to use that source as a reference.

RE: Why is one season missing its folder? - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2023-06-30

(2023-06-29, 11:51 PM)skribe Wrote: You will need to install and configure the tvdb plugin, and then you will be able to select it for that library. If doing the above fixed the issue, though, you likely could have simply told it to replace all metadata with a metadata refresh. So you might try that if it happened again.
In any case, it's probably a good idea to make sure that you have the tvdb plugin installed if you want to use that source as a reference.

I think there is a bit of miscommunication here. I purposely don't want any and don't have any metadata be applied to videos only. However, I do have metadata providers for everything else though.

Personally, I think there might be a bug in the server since when I have had a random video be applied to the wrong season, its metadata still states that it's for another season. I have no idea why the server will allow for a video with season 4 (for example) in its .nfo metadata file be sorted into the season 3 view.

Also to add more context to this, just like with the OP, when this happens to me, the entire season folder/view disappears from the show view and all its episodes gets moved to another season (usually the previous season from the one that disappeared). Normally, an empty season folder in your library will still show up with no videos in your show view, but in this case, your whole season gets removed too, so you end up with it not being accessible that way. This is despite when you go to the actual files on your system, the season folder for the moved files have correct .nfo and season .nfo files that have the correct season numbers.

RE: Why is one season missing its folder? - skribe - 2023-06-30

(2023-06-30, 12:12 AM)Efficient_Good_5784 Wrote:
(2023-06-29, 11:51 PM)skribe Wrote: You will need to install and configure the tvdb plugin, and then you will be able to select it for that library. If doing the above fixed the issue, though, you likely could have simply told it to replace all metadata with a metadata refresh. So you might try that if it happened again.
In any case, it's probably a good idea to make sure that you have the tvdb plugin installed if you want to use that source as a reference.

I think there is a bit of miscommunication here. I purposely don't want any and don't have any metadata be applied to videos only. However, I do have metadata providers for everything else though.

Personally, I think there might be a bug in the server since when I have had a random video be applied to the wrong season, its metadata still states that it's for another season. I have no idea why the server will allow for a video with season 4 (for example) in its .nfo metadata file be sorted into the season 3 view.

That was not the correct quoted post, for some reason. That was intended to be a response to bigggtuna. This is not a server bug though, in any case, as far as I can see. If it was, it wouldn't be fixed by the steps you mentioned in that post. I doubt they're even necessary. You can probably just tell it to replace all of the metadata once the sources are configured correctly to obtain the same result.