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Importing M3U Playlists - Printable Version

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RE: Importing M3U Playlists - wbravin - 2024-02-12

Thank you for this
(2024-02-12, 04:25 AM)Curve5523 Wrote: I know this is an old thread but I was running into a similar issue importing my m3u playlists into Jellyfin. As search kept sending me here I figured I would drop how I got it working for future folks to find. My version of Jellyfin is v10.8.13

I had created an m3u playlist from a folder of mp3s using the following command:

#! /bin/bash

ls -1 *.mp3 > playlist.m3u

I then had added the folder as a new library. Jellyfin saw the playlist no problem, but in Jellyfin the playlist was empty. Attempting to play the playlist anyway gave an error about not being able to play the format sent. To fix the issue, from Jellyfin, I first selected the playlist and went to "Edit Metadata" and locked all fields, then I selected "Refresh Metadata". After a minute or so the song list began to populate. From that point I was able to play the playlist fine. I'm not sure if locking the metadata fields was necessary, but I was poking around trying random stuff as my Google-Fu was failing me.

@wbravin - I don't know if this is of any help to you and the issue you had, and if not, I'm sorry for hijacking your thread.

Edit: Just tried it without locking the metadata. Worked fine. All that is required to solve the issue I was having  is to open the playlist within Jellyfin and then select "Refresh Metadata". You may need to refresh the page for the changes to show up.

THank you for this suggestion 

My issue is not creating a playlist (as i understand your message) My issue is importing existing M3U playlists created in Kodi and stored in a folder called "Music Playlist" on my NAS (truenas scale with jellyfin jail working fine BTW)

Again thank you all for all you time and help

RE: Importing M3U Playlists - wbravin - 2024-03-28


Thank you for this message

Although my current playlist can be composed with FLAC, MP3 and AAC files i would assume that i would need to run this script multiple time one for each file type.

will jellyfin read m3u files?

Since my Jellyfin is an addon to my truenas server, do i just perform the above lines in the truenas shell?

Once again thank you for your help

RE: Importing M3U Playlists - chimeran. - 2024-04-21

Excellent, thanks for the updated post. I also have v10.8.13 and just now looking to convert so this will be immensely helpful when I ask my IT buddy for fix me up. ha!

RE: Importing M3U Playlists - com_stupid - 2024-06-10

This is really strange. All of a sudden all my playlists were empty. I refreshed metadata multiple times. It did nothing. Also debug logs weren't of any help.
Thanks to @Curve5523, his solution works. You have to go to each playlist and under "edit metadata" tick "lock this item...", then "refresh metadata -> replace all metadata". This is really weird bug.

RE: Importing M3U Playlists - wbravin - 2024-06-22


Sorry it took me so long to reply.

Thank you for your suggestion.

I have over 90 playlists most have a mix of songs. Some are with .flac some with .m3u extensions

I started to rebuild the playlist (16 done so far)

On this note i had to rebuild the Jellyfin server. i backed up my 16 playlists and restored them The new jellyfin server sees them but it does not allow to MAC the playlist.

This is because Jellyfin creates a new UID for the playlist on the new server and will not allow access to the old server playlists

Never worry (IMHO) about hijacking a thread as long as you are trying to add value

Be well

RE: Importing M3U Playlists - Peter Weyandt - 2025-01-11

I tried this luck for me.
I see my m3u playlist but it does not have any content in it.

My list looks like this:
#EXTINF:,Young Americans
/run/media/peter/share/Media/Music/David Bowie/ChangesOneBowie/9. Young Americans.mp3
#EXTINF:,Golden Years
/run/media/peter/share/Media/Music/David Bowie/ChangesOneBowie/11. Golden Years.mp3
/run/media/peter/share/Media/Music/David Bowie/“Heroes”/3. “Heroes”.mp3

The link is the raw URL as seen from my command prompt.
I also have one where the link looks like this:
/media/Music/David Bowie/“Heroes”/3. “Heroes”.mp3

That is how the music server sees the file.

the permissions on the file is 777 so it is wide open.

I tried going into the playlist on JellyFin and from the ... menu selecting refresh metadata and then I have an option of
Scan for new and updated files or replace all metadata. neither worked for me.

any suggestions?

RE: Importing M3U Playlists - TheDreadPirate - 2025-01-12

How is Jellyfin installed? Directly in linux? Docker?

Are those songs part of a music library with the exact same paths as the playlist?