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RE: HELP!!! Troubleshooting - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-01-27

I got curious and looked up the official website page for your QNAP model:
I'm finding it funny how QNAP keeps mentioning how the dual 2.5Gbps network ports are just as fast as a single 10Gbps port when both are linked together with what they call "port trunking" (a google search reveals that it's another name for Link Aggregation).
I'm guessing that what QNAP is getting at is that the HDDs you'll fill it up with won't need bandwidth faster than what both ports can provide when linked together. Though they do show a graph lower down the page that shows how their dual 2.5G ports performs better than a single 10G port when it comes to writing to the drives.

Looking at the CPU that it has installed, it's just below the recommended specs that the Jellyfin Docs recommends for a "normal server". You should be fine in this department as the CPU also has the Intel UHD graphics iGPU (Jasper Lake in this case) that can handle HWA for most of the popular video codecs minus AV1 (

With my experience on running Jellyfin on something similar (a Synology DS920+), one of the reasons these NAS systems run programs slower than a dedicated machine is that they usually rely on the HDDs for everything. I haven't used a QNAP device, but I assume it works the same as Synology systems. On these all-in-one NAS systems, the OS gets installed on the HDDs. All your programs and containers also get installed to the same HDDs. When you're accessing your files, you access the same HDDs. There's only so much I/O that HDDs can provide and letting it do all that will make the whole system appear to be slower than what the specs can actually provide.

I don't understand why Synology and QNAP haven't sold a NAS system that has (by default or by you adding it in) a separate SSD that will host the NAS OS and some of your running programs. This way, you remove HDD bottlenecks. I know that on some Synology models, you can add a couple of NVMe drives to host things, but this requires you to run a script to make work (last time I checked). If you want to add an SSD volume to your NAS, you mostly have to give up a drive bay or two, which could have been used for a big HDD for more space.

Also, people have different needs for their server. Some people already have all of their media files in a format that they can direct play, so a Raspberry Pi will work just fine there. Others might have many users that could require lots of transcoding, so a dedicated GPU might be needed there. The issue here is that guides online don't really have the capacity to make hardware recommendations to everyone to a good enough capacity, so broad generalizations are given out instead. NAS systems from QNAP and Synology are appealing to a lot of people because they're relatively compact, but due to being small, power efficient CPUs are used to avoid the need of better cooling solutions being needed. People also shop around for the quietest and least power hungry NAS systems, so lower-end CPUs work here too.

The more you get into hosting your own things (and the more you learn about hardware in general), the more you get accustomed to figuring out how much computing power you need for certain jobs and tasks.

But yeah, just in case you're worried about not having an enjoyable experience with your QNAP due to it being underpowered, it should still be usable. If you're expecting it to do some serious 4K transcoding, then maybe not, but it should handle direct playing and some light transcoding here and there to a couple of users just fine. I'm not experienced with a QNAP nas though, so I may not be of much help to figure out your issues.

RE: HELP!!! Troubleshooting - 9ja9ite - 2024-01-27

i am happy to help wherever possible
but i am also a realist, some things just work the way they work no matter how much we may not like the way they work


Thank you very much for your response and clarification. I sincerely appreciate your help and understanding in your reply to me. I was really not sure how to take your previous response. For whatever reason when I read it I was very confused how to take it. Maybe it was just being in my work environment and stressed at work but it "felt" like being "B!+<h slapped". I really didn't want to react incorrectly or take it how it wasn't meant so thank again for clearing it up and being very cool to continue your offer of assistance.

With that said -  I am home now I checking out my system. I pulled up the log window but there many to pick from that seem to run multiple times a day. I don't know if that's normal or not. *shrugs*  I opened a couple and they are massive. Should I just copy and paste the whole thing into a response? If you see a particular date please let me know and I'll do that one. 

I'm also going to put in two shots of the movies pathway and the metadata pathways. 

Thank you so much.

RE: HELP!!! Troubleshooting - 9ja9ite - 2024-01-27

(2024-01-26, 09:35 PM)tmsrxzar Wrote: 1. sounds like you have not setup your library paths properly so it's reading some kind of weird mirrored files on QNAP
1.5 no clue how file management works on QNAP, this isn't the QNAP forum
2. the slow loading is a good example of why installing jellyfin on a NAS is warned about on the hardware selection page;

maybe we can fix 1.; make sure the path you added to jellyfin is the root path to ONLY a movies folder and not the root of an entire drive; it should look like the naming scheme here

and since "QNAP" there's this too


I am just adding a new response since last night. Something really weird happened over night. I made screen shots of the movie paths that were not duplicating to compare against some that are. I personally don't see a huge difference but the pathway doesn't look like the one you listed.   The weird part is that over night those movies disappeared from existence. They are missing from my Jellyfin que and ALSO from my Qnap.  I know the Qnap is not something for this forum. I'm just saying it because it's bizarre. The MKVs and all the metadata files are gone from my main folder and the snapshots the Qnap took. I'm just baffled now. Now I'm really out of my depth here and grasping at straws but the log from last night looks weird to me. Without knowing how to read this thing at all it kinda looks like someone was watching Pirates of Caribbean last night at a time no one was up watching TV. Is it possible my system is hacked? 

I'm attaching the screenshots and a log from last night. 

SO for reference  - Avengers, District 9 & Spiderman where the ones NOT duplicating and Mission Impossible, Book of Life & Lego Movie are ones that ARE duplicating.

RE: HELP!!! Troubleshooting - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-01-27

Looks like the paths lead to a snapshot location. Don't link to snapshots, link to the actual media.

Snapshots are meant to disappear after a set amount of time (if they're not set to be permanent).

Also, I'm assuming that you have a snapshot task that runs at least daily. This could explain the duplicate media.
Each time a new snapshot is taken of your media, that snapshot appears as new media to Jellyfin, so it gets scanned into your library and will show as duplicates.
The old snapshots that get deleted will remove media from your Jellyfin server as well.

I'm not familiar with how QNAP handles its file paths or how you're running Jellyfin, but this should be fixed by changing the path to the non-snapshot folder location of the media.
The movies/shows that disappeared from your Jellyfin library should still be on your NAS because it looks like the snapshots are the ones being removed, not the media. So don't worry.

I suggest you look up tutorials online on what snapshots are, how they work, and why they exist.

RE: HELP!!! Troubleshooting - tmsrxzar - 2024-01-27

yea looks like it's down to configuration on QNAP, try disabling snapshots
pirates looks like it was scanned after qnap touched it, assuming on a schedule or something for snapshots
duplicates are likely because qnap is touching the files too, moving them into snapshot or however that system works (no clue)
i don't see where anyone else was connecting from your log

the existence of FFMPEG logs indicates transcoding is occurring when playing things on your client, make sure you have setup hardware acceleration for transcoding *if available
documentation for hardware on other systems is all that's available, for QNAP you will need their forum
that should aid in the system being slow

if concerned that someone else is connecting it should go without saying that you should check the relevant logs and change all system passwords

RE: HELP!!! Troubleshooting - 9ja9ite - 2024-01-29

"yea looks like it's down to configuration on QNAP, try disabling snapshots"

Hi TMSRXZAR - thank you for the advise. It took me a little trial and error but I was able to make these the changes you recommended and that seems like it did the trick. I was able to turn off the the snapshot option off and when I deleted the folders of snapshots for the last couple weeks it deleted the duplicates in Jellyfin. Because of how the Qnap files structure and snapshot folders where set up I did have to sacrifice a few of my MKV backups when deleting the files. I tried and tried but could not figure out how to move the MKVs into my main folder or download them again so I don't have to rip them all over. But in the end it's just a handful of movies so I'll spend a couple days redoing them. 

I am a little concerned about not having snapshots as it seems like an important thing to have turned on but I'll poke around in the Qnap forum for questions about that.

"the existence of FFMPEG logs indicates transcoding is occurring when playing things on your client, make sure you have setup hardware acceleration for transcoding *if available
documentation for hardware on other systems is all that's available, for QNAP you will need their forum
that should aid in the system being slow"

So I tried to dig into this part about the hardware and transcoding acceleration but I very quickly found my self in the deep end of the pool and in way over my head. Again this a Qnap thing I'll have to follow up on.   BUT!!.....   I did want to just revisit the system speed/loading issues with you one more time before I open that whole can of worms about needing a separate computer or drive just for processing Jellyfin. 

So the speed issue might have been something happening because I was uploading at the same time. I'm swapping out discs and uploading all day so the time I was experiencing slow play times might have been that.  The thing that is really a pain in the butt though is the movie poster and collection images not loading. I attached some pics I took of my TV screen to show the kind of thing it's doing. Sometimes it still shows the card with no image but a title and then the more we navigate the more disappears like the pic that shows no card either. Just a blank space. So for the last few nights we haven't had any issue streaming. The movies play fine but the images just don't load... but ONLY on the TV's. On my computer they load just fine. Never had a problem. Both are using the Wifi. My computer is using the App in Qnap and the TV's are using the app on Roku. I've left the menu's up to see if time would let them load but no dice there. Also I made sure to test this out when I'm NOT uploading anything. 

So I just wan't to check if this might give you any ideas other than just being underpowered. It seems odd to me that the system is good enough to stream the movies but not powerful enough to load a few dozen images. *shrugs*  

I'll look forward to seeing what you think. Cheers!

RE: HELP!!! Troubleshooting - tmsrxzar - 2024-01-29

"I was able to turn off the the snapshot option off and when I deleted the folders of snapshots for the last couple weeks it deleted the duplicates in Jellyfin."


"I'm swapping out discs and uploading all day so the time I was experiencing slow play times might have been that. "

very likely, "hard drive bandwidth" i can get the same issues without using a NAS if i move files around while trying to watch something
it's just something to be aware of, do work on the media/discs while not trying to watch things

"The thing that is really a pain in the butt though is the movie poster and collection images not loading." ... "on Roku"

that *shouldn't be due to QNAP, even a potato can serve images and you say they work fine in the browser
(acceleration has nothing to do with the images, only playback)

it is potentially to do with how things kept getting moved around, i suppose it's possible Roku cached them
here are 2 things i would try


now that QNAP isn't moving things around, go to dashboard -> libraries -> click the 3 dots under your movies entry -> scan library
change the drop down to "replace all metadata"
then there will be a checkbox "Replace existing images", check that and then click Refresh at the bottom

if there are *any issues at all with the images on the server this should resolve them


if 1. doesn't work
more of a guess because i don't own a roku but
sign out and back into the roku app
if there are any options to clear an app's data, try that and re-setup the app
or try to reinstall the app

the goal here would be to clear anything out that Roku has decided to cache

RE: HELP!!! Troubleshooting - 9ja9ite - 2024-01-29

(2024-01-29, 04:46 AM)tmsrxzar Wrote: 1.

now that QNAP isn't moving things around, go to dashboard -> libraries -> click the 3 dots under your movies entry -> scan library
change the drop down to "replace all metadata"
then there will be a checkbox "Replace existing images", check that and then click Refresh at the bottom

if there are *any issues at all with the images on the server this should resolve them


if 1. doesn't work
more of a guess because i don't own a roku but
sign out and back into the roku app
if there are any options to clear an app's data, try that and re-setup the app
or try to reinstall the app

the goal here would be to clear anything out that Roku has decided to cache

Well I tried both of those things and it didn't change the problem. I'm really stumped. Although it really wouldn't take much to do that as calling me a novice at this would be super generous. I've been googling around (don't worry I'm using protection) and trying to find any other forum threads that might help. So far I've found a handful including other posts on here but nobody seems to have fixed this issue. It's impossible for to even say if it's the "same" problem. Could be similar symptoms / differnt cause. But everything I've seen that is within my understanding I've tried to no avail. The couple of time I've seem someone say something worked and I tried it but it didn't work for me. I'm thinking it has to be something with how Roku and Jellyfin are talking to each other since this isn't happening on my computer. 

So I'll throw the ball back in your court but I know you're kind of at the end of options here so I'm not expecting much.