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Hardware Encoding problem - Printable Version

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RE: Hardware Encoding problem - Parz1val - 2024-06-19

(2024-06-18, 08:33 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote:
(2024-06-18, 07:57 PM)Parz1val Wrote: I just noticed i didn't share the ffmpeg, but i have alot of those logs, which one do you need/want?

I want the ffmpeg_transcode logs.

Also, do you have IOMMU enabled in your BIOS?

There isnt a setting called IOMMU, but after what i can read VTx/VTd is the same and that is on
Its called "Virtualization Technology (VTx/VTd) " Which is enabled

RE: Hardware Encoding problem - Parz1val - 2024-06-19

I have found out that it is specifically HEVC SDR that i cant transcode. But according to ,, your docs i should be able to. Even if i disable hevc transcoding it doesent work. I have a Intel® Core™ i7-6700 Processor

RE: Hardware Encoding problem - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-06-19

(2024-06-19, 10:07 AM)Parz1val Wrote: I have found out that it is specifically HEVC SDR that i cant transcode. But according to ,, your docs i should be able to. Even if i disable hevc transcoding it doesent work. I have a Intel® Core™ i7-6700 Processor
Looking at the screenshot from your first post, you have HEVC & HEVC 10-bit enabled for HWA. Make sure to disable them if this is the case.

RE: Hardware Encoding problem - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-19

Oy. My bad. I missed that. Skylake CAN decode 8-bit HEVC, but not 10-bit. And it looks like the problem files are 10-bit.

RE: Hardware Encoding problem - Parz1val - 2024-06-19

(2024-06-19, 03:08 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Oy.  My bad.  I missed that.  Skylake CAN decode 8-bit HEVC, but not 10-bit.  And it looks like the problem files are 10-bit.

Okay, first of all, i was really tired when i wrote that and didn't double check things. On my production server, it cant play files at all if i have QSV on and have both HEVC Disabled. ¨

On the test server that i have setup it can play files if i have QSV on and disabled HEVC 8 bit AND 10 bit. If i turn these settings on, at my test server Then it dosent work.

This is the newest FFmpeg transcode log from the production server:

RE: Hardware Encoding problem - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-06-19

Have you tried setting up VAAPI instead? I wonder if that would work for you.

RE: Hardware Encoding problem - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-19

(2024-06-19, 04:30 PM)Efficient_Good_5784 Wrote: Have you tried setting up VAAPI instead? I wonder if that would work for you.

This might be the answer.  I recall some other Skylake users having to switch to VAAPI.  Did Intel deprecate support for that generation or something?

RE: Hardware Encoding problem - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-06-19

(2024-06-19, 04:36 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: This might be the answer.  I recall some other Skylake users having to switch to VAAPI.  Did Intel deprecate support for that generation or something?
Maybe, but I can't really confirm that. The main reason I suggested VAAPI was because the last image he shared was showing an error with not being able to use VAAPI.

RE: Hardware Encoding problem - Parz1val - 2024-06-19

(2024-06-19, 04:52 PM)Efficient_Good_5784 Wrote:
(2024-06-19, 04:36 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: This might be the answer.  I recall some other Skylake users having to switch to VAAPI.  Did Intel deprecate support for that generation or something?
Maybe, but I can't really confirm that. The main reason I suggested VAAPI was because the last image he shared was showing an error with not being able to use VAAPI.

Okay, on my production server. If i set it to VAAPI, now i can play all other formats than HEVC SDR. Even if i disable 8 bit and 10 bit in the HW settings

On the test server i have, it is the same problem.

If it matters, it's the two same series i test on, although not always the same episode

RE: Hardware Encoding problem - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-19

Ugh. I had a 6700K and Z170 board lying around for years until a couple months ago.

I can't think of anything logical to explain what is happening. But you're not the first Skylake owner to have unexplainable transcoding difficulties.