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SOLVED: Jellyfin has washed out colors (Violet Evergarden) - Printable Version

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RE: Jellyfin has washed out colors - voltangle - 2024-08-19

UPDATE: did a bit more testing, and turns out - Violet Evergarden is not the only one with botched colors. I have not tested everything (there is shitloads of content in my library), but basically all of them have colors that are less saturated than what IINA gives me. Also, there is in fact no difference if I play the video via URL streaming or SMB, literately zero, i'm a bit stupid, sry guys

Honestly, I have no idea what is the culprit - media players tweaking for some reason, IINA showing stupid colors (and I see them as fine because my display is fucking dogshit), or I'm just tweaking at this point

If @gnattu is right and he actually sees my IINA screenshots as dark (ones without any filters applied), then I'm tweaking together with my monitor
But I honestly doubt that because I don't believe that Violet Evergarden actually looks this washed out originally, and AFAIK iPhone Xr, even though it's an LCD panel, has very good color calibration, so it should not be even an issue
@TheDreadPirate how do you see the colors on my screenshots? Is the IINA screenshot really darker than it's supposed to be?

I'm so lost man, where tf am I supposed to look and what am I supposed to believe and trust as "correct" colors...

RE: Jellyfin has washed out colors - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-08-19

I've attached an screenshot of your screenshots.

This is an inaccurate method of seeing colors between our screens, but hopefully you can see the difference between what we see.
The left image is your IINA player screenshot.

I will say, I also tested the same episode on my monitors and it's not as dark as your IINA player. Mine is more like the right-side image, but more toned down. I'm pretty sure that white-ish color hue is done on purpose by the animators.

If you need a color-correct display, you need to buy a color calibration device to calibrate your display.

RE: Jellyfin has washed out colors - voltangle - 2024-08-19

Thank you for the explanation!
I have tried to watch some other episodes, and it actually seems that it is displayed how it is intended to be displayed, and all along it was not the display, not the source video, but me, I was actively tripping balls and thinking that the video is broken. Sorry for wasting yalls time, geniunely :(
I guess this thread can help out some people in the future that had the same issue and thought that their media player is going crazy

My thanks go to everyone that participated in this thread and helped me figure out the issue! I love how friendly this forum is :)