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SOLVED: Tonemapping - Printable Version

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RE: Tonemapping - Fran314 - 2024-01-02

Any idea?

RE: Tonemapping - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-02

The only thing that makes sense is some sort of driver bug. If your hardware didn't have the capability, the transcode would fail when it tries to tone map.

Check to make sure that your motherboard's BIOS are out of date. I vaguely recall someone around here having an issue relating to their Intel iGPU that required a BIOS update to resolve. Can't remember if it was transcoding specifically they were having issues with.

Ah ha. Found the post I was thinking of. Similar, but different, issue with HEVC 10 bit.

RE: Tonemapping - Fran314 - 2024-01-04

The latest BIOS version I could find on the website of my MOBO+CPU ( ) is v1.70 which was released two years before I bought it, so I am guessing it does have the latest BIOS (but I will check just to be sure as soon as I have a chance to do it).

I see that in the post you linked they're talking about some beta version, but given that it's on different hardware I don't think it's a BIOS meant for me. Maybe I could try the same thing that OP did and ask ASRock for some beta BIOS for my hardware?

Also, is there a way I can manually check that it is indeed a driver bug? It would be great to at least make sure what the problem is.

Thank you so much for your help!

RE: Tonemapping - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-04

It has come to my attention that, for whatever reason, not all of Intel's low power chips are created equal. CPUs with, supposedly, the same GPU don't have equivalent QSV capabilities? But I haven't been able to find documentation detailing this. But I've encountered a couple other users in the Matrix chat, with either Apollo Lake or Gemini Lake CPUs, that also weren't able to tone map.

RE: Tonemapping - Fran314 - 2024-01-05

Double update, I managed to make tonemapping work.

First issue: I'm dumb and apparently I can't read when on the Playback Settings menu it says that as of today, tonemapping is only supported for "10 bit HDR10, [...]" videos. I was using an HDR10 video for testing, but not a 10-bit HDR10 video apparently. I transcoded the test-video with Handbrake using the video encoder H.265 10-bit (Intel QSV) and it is now indeed 10-bit. I found out this using mediainfo on the test-video and confirming that the bit depth of the video channel was not 10 bit but 8 bit. The new test-video has a bit depth of 10 bit

Second issue: I've found this thread about tonemapping issues on hardware similar to mine and they suggested that rolling back to kernel 5.15 fixed the issue for them. So I also tried to rollback to kernel 5.15.13-arch1-1

Results: IT WORKS NOW! I've tried to see if tonemapping worked without having to roll back to an older kernel but I couldn't make it work on the latest (6.6.9) though I didn't really try to make it work, I didn't mess around with the settings so I will post an update with the results with messing around on the latest kernel. I'm not a huge fan of having to roll back but I might just switch to LTS hoping it works there.

I could even try to binary-search through the kernels to see which update "broke" the tonemapping functionality, but it might take some time.

Thank you again for your help, and let me know if this sheds any light on any possible bug or issue

EDIT: and yeah I just had to re-read this thread with the correct file. By enabling VPP tonemapping (and of course "Enable Tone mapping") it seems to be working on the latest kernel too. Sorry for wasting your time, hopefully someone else will see this thread and realize that they too only have to use the correct file format!