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Absolute Numbering for Anime - Printable Version

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Absolute Numbering for Anime - DizzieNight - 2025-01-10

I am having some problems with absolute numbering and seasons for Anime, I will use Bleach as an example but I am having the same problems with One Piece and My Hero Academia.

Whenever I change the series to absolute numbering using TVdb as the metadata provider I get the episodes numbered with all of the metadata as I want. However the seasons still appear and some of the episodes have duplicated to other seasons.

For example I only have seasons 1 and 17 for bleach at the moment, still downloading the rest, but when I do absolute numbering, the season 17 episodes show in their own season, the thousand year blood war and also season 1, which is not what I want. I want it all under their indivdual seasons but with the absolute numbering or remove the seasons altogether and just have the episodes. I can do the latter with Plex but haven't been able to figure out how to do it with Jellyfin.

Btw I use sonarr for my media management and the filenames are in the following format for absolute numbering: S01E{absolute number}

RE: Absolute Numbering for Anime - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2025-01-10

You're using an unsupported naming structure for the episodes.
You can't add absolute number to the S##E## tag if the provider(s) you're using doesn't have them sorted like that.

You have to restart the episode count in relation to the season for Jellyfin to properly sort them.

So "S01E367" would have to be renamed to "S17E01".

You have to do it exactly how your chosen metadata provider sorts them.
TVDB sorts them as I suggested:
If you see their listing for season 17, you'll see they start the count with "S17E01".

I believe you can switch to an alternate display order by editing the metadata toggle within Jellyfin.
Just make sure your files are named and numbered correctly as seen in the metadata provider's site.

If you manage to find a metadata provider that sorts them all as season 1 using absolute episode numbers, you can enable that one provider for your library (and disable the rest) to make sure your files use the sorting method from that provider only.

I've seen people struggle to get One Piece set up with Jellyfin by doing the same thing until they switched to not use absolute episode numbering in the filename.