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liveTV guide won't update - Printable Version

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liveTV guide won't update - dbarmitage - 2025-01-16

I'm running newest version on 24.04 LTS kubuntu.  I have a paid account on Schedules Direct which I can directly log into.  without a guide LiveTV is not very useful. Help.  When I installed newest version it worked fine for a week or so then guide went blank and won't refresh.

jellyfin log
[2025-01-16 08:41:15.213 -05:00] [ERR] Request to failed with response "{\"response\":\"JSON_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_DISABLED\",\"code\":4005,\"serverID\":\"20141201.web\",\"message\":\"Access to account via JSON has been disabled. Please contact Schedules Direct support: for more information or create a support ticket: https:\/\/\/lineupsupport\",\"token\":\"CAFEDEADBEEFCAFEDEADBEEFCAFEDEADBEEFCAFE\",\"datetime\":\"2025-01-14T22:40:02Z\"}"
[2025-01-16 08:41:15.214 -05:00] [ERR] Error processing request. URL "GET" "/LiveTv/ListingProviders/Lineups".
System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Request failed: Forbidden
  at Jellyfin.LiveTv.Listings.SchedulesDirect.Request[T](HttpRequestMessage message, Boolean enableRetry, ListingsProviderInfo providerInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken, HttpCompletionOption completionOption)
  at Jellyfin.LiveTv.Listings.SchedulesDirect.GetTokenInternal(String username, String password, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  at Jellyfin.LiveTv.Listings.SchedulesDirect.GetToken(ListingsProviderInfo info, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  at Jellyfin.LiveTv.Listings.SchedulesDirect.GetHeadends(ListingsProviderInfo info, String country, String location, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

RE: liveTV guide won't update - theguymadmax - 2025-01-16

"December 4th 2024

Jellyfin and disabled accounts
A problem has been detected where Jellyfin was causing problems with the SD-JSON service leading to accounts being temporarily blocked.

The SD-DD service isn't affected

12/18 Update: The block occurs after 5000 login failures in a few minutes.. basically a denial of service attack. If you disable Jellyfin's grabber and switch to XMLTV source, open a lineup support ticket, request a ban remove and include your ip address (you can get it here).

We're working with the Jellyfin devs to isolate and fix the probem.
Here's the github issue
Here's a forum thread"