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Inaccurate synopsis for One Piece - Printable Version

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Inaccurate synopsis for One Piece - temping - 2023-09-15

Hey everyone!

I have been using Jellyfin for a while and I have all of my shows in the proper format with Show Name --> Season xx --> Episode xx format.  However, I am running into an issue when using this format with One Piece.

I am watching season 20 (Wano Arc) now and the episode synopsis are being pulled from earlier seasons.  I have the structure laid out as One Piece --> Season xx --> Episode xxx.  I initially had the episodes labelled as the proper order in the entire series (with season 20 starting from 892, but I had the same issue.  I current have every season starting from Episode 001.

I tried relabelling the episodes as SxxExxx but that format just refused to show any episodes at all.  I would really appreciate it if someone has ran into this and can help me out with some of the solutions that worked for them.

RE: Inaccurate synopsis for One Piece - TheDreadPirate - 2023-09-15

Verify that the episode metadata source you are pulling from has those episodes.


RE: Inaccurate synopsis for One Piece - temping - 2023-09-16

(2023-09-15, 07:15 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Verify that the episode metadata source you are pulling from has those episodes.

I only have the top 2 in your screenshot.  Getting anidb plugin and enabling it in the library would solve this?

UPDATE - I added AniDB plugin and pointed it to the library, but it seems to have an issue with episode number in the hundreds. The count starts from 1 to 99 and then back to 1 when it should be 101. Any suggestions on how I can fix that?

RE: Inaccurate synopsis for One Piece - TheDreadPirate - 2023-09-16

The main thing you need to do is go to Anidb's, or even TMDB's, website to figure out how they organize One Piece.  AniDB tends to organize shows like One Piece as one long season.  TMDB gives you the option of either absolute order, or by season, or by DVD box sets, etc.  Its possible you have your files ordered differently than the default order retrieved from TMDB.  Once you figure out how you have it organized in your storage vs how Jellyfin has it currently organized you can decide which ordering you like (expand menu for your show, edit metadata, "Display Order").