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SOLVED: How do I get Jellyfin to manage TV shows? - Printable Version

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How do I get Jellyfin to manage TV shows? - Robin Ogilvie - 2023-09-16

I've just installed Jellyfin, first time. I have a single NAS folder with mixed Movies and TV Shows.  Jellyfin is identifying the Movie files and displaying a cover image and giving a friendly name. Looks great!

The TV show episodes, though, don't get this treatment.  They just show the long file name and a random screen capture from the episode.

I tried to "identify" and enter the TVdb number (like I had read in my troubleshooting) but the only options are movie related (IMDB ID, The MovieDb ID, The MovieDb Box Set ID), nothing TV related. How do I get it to manage TV shows properly?  I

've seen this plugin: but although I've added the repository I can't seem to get it to do anything.

This is what my dashboard looks like:
[Image: pLG1vAr]

RE: How do I get Jellyfin to manage TV shows? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-09-16

The Mixed library type only exists as a temporary landing point for people migrating from Plex. You will have to separate your shows and movies into separate libraries and folders.

RE: How do I get Jellyfin to manage TV shows? - Robin Ogilvie - 2023-09-16

(2023-09-16, 02:10 AM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: The Mixed library type only exists as a temporary landing point for people migrating from Plex.  You will have to separate your shows and movies into separate libraries and folders.

Aaah, I see.  Thank you very much.