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Fail2ban with Jellyseerr - Printable Version

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Fail2ban with Jellyseerr - Max L - 2023-09-19

I've tried the Overseerr documentation but it doesn't seem to work for me. Just want to make sure it works for Jellyseerr too before I go mad trying to figure it out.


RE: Fail2ban with Jellyseerr - Max L - 2023-09-19

Figured it out. Couldn't find this anywhere but was able to figure it out with some learning:

I just left everything called overseerr. So overseerr.conf looks like:

enabled = true
port = 80,443
filter = overseerr
logpath = /YOURLOCATIONFOR/apps/jellyseerr/logs/overseerr*.log
maxretry = 2
findtime = 1200
bantime = 126400
protocol = tcp
action = iptables-allports[name=overseerr, chain=DOCKER-USER] #IF YOURE USING DOCKER OTHERWISE NO NEED

and my .LOCAL file looks like:

failregex = ^.*\[warn\]\[Auth\]: Failed login attempt from user with incorrect Jellyfin credentials {"account":{"ip":"<HOST>","email":

The reason the Overseerr instructions don't work is just because of the above wording is a bit different. I may have to add a line for the Jellseerr password. I think it will be:

failregex = ^.*Failed sign-in attempt using invalid Overseerr password .* {"account": \(IP: "<ADDR>"\)\.

Not too sure if I need a different .local file or if I can add two in one. But should be easy to find out. Hopefully CHATGPT knows.

failregex = ^.*\[warn\]\[API\]: Failed sign-in attempt using invalid Overseerr password {"ip":"<HOST>","email":
^.*\[warn\]\[Auth\]: Failed login attempt from user with incorrect Jellyfin credentials {"account":{"ip":"<HOST>","email":

According to CHATGPT. Hope this helps someone. (We might need both these lines since there are 2 ways to sign in) Seems to work for me