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NAS HMDI to TV - Printable Version

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NAS HMDI to TV - vica153 - 2025-02-13

Probably a dumb question. I know a NAS can output video directly via HDMI with various players, but can it run a Jellyfish server and client to play 4k video at the same time?

My PC can obviously run the server and play video. I just wanted to double check this would also work on a NAS.

My problem is the Jellyfin app on my Roku TV cannot handle high bitrate 4k DV playback. The TV does DV/HDR10+ fine. The typical streaming apps have no problem streaming in DV. Plex and Jellyfin both fail.

My other option would be a firecube w/coreelec and then put jellyfin player on that, but if I can just run it directly off the NAS that would be easier.

RE: NAS HMDI to TV - TheDreadPirate - 2025-02-13

Depends on the OS on your NAS. If it is a synology or QNAP NAS, I don't think any of our clients will run on them.

RE: NAS HMDI to TV - vica153 - 2025-02-15

Likely Terramaster or Asustor.

A few years ago a cheap NAS wouldnt be able to stream 4k out the HDMI, but now most can handle it.

Seems silly to get a NAS and streaming box if I could go directly off the NAS.

RE: NAS HMDI to TV - TheDreadPirate - 2025-02-16

AFAIK, none of the NAS models I am aware of have a display out.

RE: NAS HMDI to TV - vica153 - 2025-02-16

Yes a lot of the them do. Though some are not designed for video output. Asustor showcases streaming via the HDMI.