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Catalogue Other Media - Printable Version

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Catalogue Other Media - Zoroeyes - 2023-09-20

An odd question this, but I thought I'd ask.

I've been using the MyMovies app for many years to catalogue my movies, in all of the different physical formats that I use (digital, disc, tape etc.).

I was wondering if there was a way of adding to the JellyFin library, manual entries that represent movies that you own in other media, so that the movie is visible in the library, but it's marked as non-streamable or similar?

I know this is an odd-ball question, but it would allow me to use just one app on my phone/tablet to browse my entire colleciton when trying to decide what to watch.


RE: Catalogue Other Media - jimmyjammy - 2023-09-20

For your digital collection, you could use the trakt Tv plugin for Jellyfin. Add your physical collection (disc, tape etc.) to trakt & then just use the Trakt app on your phone / tablet to browse what you want to watch

RE: Catalogue Other Media - thornbill - 2023-09-21

Yes! There seems to be some misinformation about this if you search for it, but this is supported, just not really documented anywhere.

All you need to do is create a file following the normal naming guide for media but with a ".disc" extension. You can also use the tokens for this list ( to specify a certain type of media… so "Awesome Movie (2023).bluray.disc" would be identified as a Blu-ray Disc. Although I’m not sure if any clients show that media type information currently.