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Jellyfin can't access SSL certificate - Printable Version

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Jellyfin can't access SSL certificate - sebbyd05 - 2023-09-20

Hi there, I run jellyfin on an Ubuntu server and am struggling to get SSL set up. When I try to provide it with the directory for the certificate (made using certbot and found at /etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain.whatever) it says it isn't found. I'm guessing that it has something to do with permissions, but am very lost as I am worried that if I chown the folder to jellyfin nginx might not be able to access it. How should I fix it? Thanks!


RE: Jellyfin can't access SSL certificate - TheDreadPirate - 2023-09-20

Is Nginx serving as your reverse proxy? Jellyfin shouldn't need access to the cert if it is.

Can you describe your setup?

RE: Jellyfin can't access SSL certificate - sebbyd05 - 2023-09-21

Oh I see, I have Jellyfin running on Ubuntu 22.04.3. I used the basic nginx config, but when I go to the domain it redirects me to and gives me a 502 error. I assumed it was because I needed to enable SSL in the settings panel and that asked for the certificate. If that doesn't need to be turned on then do you have any other ideas as to what could be causing my issue? If it helps to know I'm using Cloudflare as my DNS provider but turning off the proxy doesn't seem to fix anything.


RE: Jellyfin can't access SSL certificate - Jerky - 2023-09-21

It sounds like nginx isn't set up correctly.

Off the top of my head...
Do you have jellyfin working on the LAN without ssl?

You really want to make sure SSL is enabled on the WAN. What do the nginx logs show as the error? The certbot certs permissions are probably fine. We need to dig into nginx.

RE: Jellyfin can't access SSL certificate - TheDreadPirate - 2023-09-21

Can you share your nginx config with us? You can sanitize your domain, but leave a placeholder so we know what was there.

RE: Jellyfin can't access SSL certificate - sebbyd05 - 2023-09-21

Ok, here's my nginx log:
Here's my config file:

I can access the http version of the site using my public IP on wan and lan.

RE: Jellyfin can't access SSL certificate - TheDreadPirate - 2023-09-21

What are the contents of /etc/resolv.conf?

RE: Jellyfin can't access SSL certificate - sebbyd05 - 2023-09-21

(2023-09-21, 03:06 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: What are the contents of /etc/resolv.conf?

RE: Jellyfin can't access SSL certificate - Jerky - 2023-09-21

I think you need to add to host file:
eg: 999.999.999.999 some.domain.tld
And looking at your nginx log it looks like you need to change the line about DNS to your gateway, or specify another provider. Your DNS lookup is failing with nginx. Line 23 of your paste in nginx.conf