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File suffix for post-processed recording - Printable Version

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File suffix for post-processed recording - Eric Sirianni - 2025-02-20

I have a basic question that I have not seen answered anywhere.

When post-processing a livetv recording, my script changes the file suffix from .ts to .mp4
How do I get jellyfin to update its metadata so that when I attempt to playback the recording it uses the mp4 file?  The metadata in jellyfin is still (understandably) using the old .ts file path.

RE: File suffix for post-processed recording - TheDreadPirate - 2025-02-20

You either need to trigger a library scan or you need to enable real-time monitoring. I do the latter, as I'm also switching my recordings from .ts to .mp4 via post-processing. If your storage arrangement supports real time monitoring, that is the route I'd suggest you take.