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Jellyfin and VPN - Printable Version

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Jellyfin and VPN - Glowing9011 - 2023-09-20

Hello, first of all english is not my main language, so im sorry if i say something weird.
Im kinda new to this self hosting stuff, i managed to use my jellyfin server remotely with tailscale. i pay for proton vpn and use it in all my devices (the server and clients) with the "allways on VPN" and killswitch enabled. My server is on my windows laptop in which i also have qbittorrent to "supply" the server remotely with the webUI, the problem is that i cant use the webUI nor access the server without tailscale, and i cant use tailscale over vpn, is there a way i can access the webUI and the server remotely without turning my vpn off?
Thanks in advance!