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Jellyfin on Roku - RMikeS - 2025-02-24

Roku can't find the Jellyfin server, even if I type the URL in by hand. Is this a common problem or am I just too dense to be able to figure this out? The server seems to be up and running on the desktop I installed it on, as it is available in the system tray. I've tried several variations on the URL, none work.

Does anyone here have an idea what to do?

I've cataracts and they make reading is a huge problem, so searching the docs hasn't been any help. Can anyone give me a leg up?

The IP address of the desktop is XXX.XXX.1.3, so my first try was:

I've copied the address in my browser and input it with no joy. This is that address:
I've tried that in it's entirety and I've tried it as just:

I have a huge video collection. I've been watching it on Roku via the Roku Media Player for forever but it won't even give me a thumbnail, just the comment embedded in the file properties. I was delighted when I found the Jellyfin app on the Roku and have been salivating over thought of having all the metadata available as well.

Thanks for what ever help you can provide.


RE: Jellyfin on Roku - TheDreadPirate - 2025-02-24

"localhost" is not a valid address for the clients to use. Localhost is a self-reference address.

If you are not able to connect with the server's LAN IP, which is not sensitive so you don't need to censor it, then that usually indicates that Jellyfin is not allowed through your firewall.

You should have seen a prompt during the install to allow Jellyfin through the Windows firewall. If you saw it and allowed it, but still can't access Jellyfin from external hosts, you need to ensure that your NIC is set to private.

RE: Jellyfin on Roku - Soloman2469 - 2025-02-24

Try http://XXX.XXX.1.3:8096

Your example shows that you used http:// in front of localhost, but not when you tried XXX.XXX.1.3:8096

RE: Jellyfin on Roku - RMikeS - 2025-02-24

(2025-02-24, 01:40 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: "localhost" is not a valid address for the clients to use.  Localhost is a self-reference address.

If you are not able to connect with the server's LAN IP, which is not sensitive so you don't need to censor it, then that usually indicates that Jellyfin is not allowed through your firewall.

You should have seen a prompt during the install to allow Jellyfin through the Windows firewall.  If you saw it and allowed it, but still can't access Jellyfin from external hosts, you need to ensure that your NIC is set to private.

This was an interesting problem. Somehow, even though I set my network to Private, when I checked it, it was set to Public. I have NO IDEA how that happened. I did notice that my Mozilla VPN is set for Public. Again, not sure how this happened, but I am thinking it had to do with an update to the VPN. . 

As for the "Localhost" thing, I doubted it was correct, but that was pulled from the address bar when Jellyfin is running, but the URL wasn't getting me anywhere.

I now have a different problem. I type in my user name and password exactly as I enter it to logon to Jellyfin server and I get a LOGIN FAILED message on the Roku. I've been working with computers since before PCs were available in homes (I started with a TI 99/4A) doing programming, spreadsheets, databases, and other fun things. THIS is making me feel like a total newbie! I have no doubt that it is the Roku end that is troublesome...

I'll figure out the login/password stuff on my own. It has to be some STUPID little thing, and the Roku device is a completely unintelligent device, so it's fitting that I'm having difficulties with this.

Thanks for your help. Have a great day,

(2025-02-24, 03:11 PM)Soloman2469 Wrote: Try http://XXX.XXX.1.3:8096

Your example shows that you used http:// in front of localhost, but not when you tried XXX.XXX.1.3:8096

It isn't necessary when providing an IP address, but little things like that are often the culprits. Winking-face

Thanks for your response,

RE: Jellyfin on Roku - RMikeS - 2025-02-25

I don't see any threads for reporting bugs. Where do I go to report one.

I decided Jellyfin is WAY MORE WORK than I want to do to play my videos, so, I uninstalled it. I don't know what it was actually doing it uninstalled. A nearly endless list of items scrolled up in the window. It took more than 5 minutes to do this, and yet, it DIDN'T delete anything related to Jellyfin. Every folder and file it originally installed was still on my computer, including the desktop icon. I pressed the icon TO SEE WHAT WOULD HAPPEN and Jellyfin OPENED RIGHT UP!

I went into Apps and Features an uninstalled it again. This time, maybe a dozen files showed in the uninstall window and it was done in seconds. Guess what!!! It was still on my desktop and functioning normally.

I tried to recover my system restore point that I saved prior to installing Jellyfin. Here's the part that really makes me angry... Windows failed to restore my system, telling me that there were folders missing that should be there. The absolute only thing I did to my system after making that restore point was to install Jellyfin and TRY to get it to work. When Jellyfin failed to live up to my expectations, I uninstalled. THAT SHOULDN'T HAVE F'ED up my system so bad that my restore point failede, but that is exactly what happened.

Y'all might want to fix that before anyone els3e has the need to uninstall Jellyfin. As for myself, I'm returning to the Roku Media Player. It may be rudimentary, but it works as expected and won't F with my computers!

Goodbye Jellyfin!