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TVDB Plugin not working - Printable Version

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TVDB Plugin not working - Garog - 2023-09-21

Hi and Hello,

i'm new to this software and used plex in the past.
would like to migrate to jellyfin but encounter a problem.

i use the docker image with gpu support. its all working so far except for the TVDB plugin. its not able to pull metadata or pictures.

for example. i have a show "TableTop"

When i manually identify this show, it shows me the show is known at tvdb with the show logo. (TableTop - TheTVDB -2012)
Great, but when i select the show and click "OK" (with or without the option to replace the pictures) i runs very long and then closes the window wihtout any data pulled.
I can also use any other show and try to change the pictures, when i filter for "TVDB" i never see any pictures.

here is a log from a identification process for the show tabletop. it sets the show ids correct but then it dies with 
[ERR] [11] MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager: "TvdbSeriesImageProvider" failed in GetImageInfos for type "Series" at "/media/Serien/Real/TableTop (2012)"
TvDbSharper.TvDbServerException: The given series ID does not exist; Resource not found

the log:

thanks for your help !