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Does 'Next Up' behaviour not bother anyone else? Or am I missing something? - Printable Version

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Does 'Next Up' behaviour not bother anyone else? Or am I missing something? - Tuna - 2023-09-22

Like many of you I originally came from plex. One thing Plex has absolutely nailed (5 years ago when I was using it mind you) was the behaviour of the "next up" queue.

It showed a list of series, ordered by a combination of: 
- in progress episodes (weighted by most recently watched)
- the next episode from recently watched series
- newly released episodes from series you hadn't watched in a while

The card showed the series banner, not the episode banner, and it had a fairly basic algorithmn to weight the order displayed by "date of last viewing" vs. "Broadcast date", so newly released seasons of a series you had previously watched would populate the list but be displayed further to the right of the screen.

Jellyfin's UI instead maintains 3 lists for this one purpose. It shows a "continue watching" of only in progress episodes, "next up" of only episodes sorted by last viewed date, as long as it isn't in progress, and "latest TV series", for newly added or updated shows.

A search here and on the repo doesn't come up with much, which leads me to think people are either happy with this behaviour (why!? It could be so much better!) Or there is a simple fix/mod I am unaware of.

RE: Does 'Next Up' behaviour not bother anyone else? Or am I missing something? - bitmap - 2023-09-22

The behavior you've described is somewhat present but in different areas.

* In progress weighted by last viewed

This is already how Continue Watching works unless I'm mistaken. You watch something, stop partially through viewing, that media takes first spot in this list.

* Next up from recently watched

Again, this is how Next Up works (most of the time). There are some weird edge cases where an episode fails to populate three list, but in general if you finish S01E05 of Series A, Next Up suggests Series A S01E05.

* Newly released episodes

These do not show up in the Next Up section. Newly released media show up in Latest sections for the library that they belong to. So this might be why a lot of folks seem satisfied (or at least content) with how things exist, because all of the functionally you mentioned exists. Next Up will have your next episodes for what you've been watching already, Latest will have the most recently released episodes. That's not a panacea, as Latest will contain the most recently added media, which could be released or it could be a series you added or old episodes you found.

If you're hoping for a new home section type or customized functionally, you'll probably want to submit a feature request.

RE: Does 'Next Up' behaviour not bother anyone else? Or am I missing something? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-09-22

(2023-09-22, 12:24 PM)bitmap Wrote: If you're hoping for a new home section type or customized functionally, you'll probably want to submit a feature request.

You can do SOME customization of the Home screen.  I don't have access to my server, so going from memory.  Click on your user icon in the top right and click Display.  You can re-order or remove some of these "Latest" or "Next Up" categories if you want.

RE: Does 'Next Up' behaviour not bother anyone else? Or am I missing something? - bitmap - 2023-09-22

Very true. I meant more "mix and match what exists with what they're used to coming from Plex". Here's the areas @TheDreadPirate is speaking to. 



I don't see what exists as all that different from what was described, but I can understand that with certain clients, there are limitations or when you are familiar with a software after a number of years that adjusting to a new server/client can be difficult. Spend some time with Jellyfin and how it operates and if you don't like it or have transformative feature suggestions, I definitely encourage you to submit a request.

RE: Does 'Next Up' behaviour not bother anyone else? Or am I missing something? - Tuna - 2023-09-23

(2023-09-22, 12:24 PM)bitmap Wrote: The behavior you've described is somewhat present but in different areas.

Yeah that's the point - combining them is much neater and makes more sense.

After I made this post I found a PR that has been merged into the master here:

Which recreates the behaviour I described. Both answering my question and confirming I am not yet missing an obvious feature in config Smiling-face

I may have given the wrong impression reading your reply - I've used jellyfin for ~5 years, and some form of jellyfin-web wrapper/client for ~2.

This has always been an irk I've meant to scratch, so it's nicely reinforcing to my procrastinative habits that's it's fixed by the time I finally do Smiling-face