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How does Jellyfin fetch the XMLTV data? - Printable Version

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How does Jellyfin fetch the XMLTV data? - pixel24 - 2023-09-22


I am currently making my first attempts with IPTV. I have two URL's from a German provider in which the access data (user / password) are also included.

First I tested them in a desktop client for IPTV (Hybnotix) which works fine. The channels are displayed cleanly and the streams run stable.

When I then inserted them into JF I was unfortunately a bit disappointed. The display is almost unusable and it often hangs :-(

In JF I enter the URL for XMLTV in the corresponding configuration in the admin interface.

I wanted to look at the XMLTV data (content) to find out where the problem is. With the M3U URL I can simply download and look at it with 'wget [URL]'. With the XMLTV URL this does not work. Nothing happens here.

JF fetched the data in some way. Only how? Do I have a chance to do this manually?

with best

RE: How does Jellyfin fetch the XMLTV data? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-09-22

We would need to see your logs to help diagnose the problem. Both the jellyfin and ffmpeg logs. Upload them to pastebin and link it back here.

RE: How does Jellyfin fetch the XMLTV data? - pixel24 - 2023-09-25

I was able to solve the problem. I need to include the URL's (M3U & XMLTV) in ' [URL] '. Otherwise the special characters they contain (in the password etc.) will be counted as control characters.

Now I can look at the data to see where the problem is :-)