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Configure Proxy - Printable Version

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Configure Proxy - mtoss - 2025-02-28

Maybe its a silly question but the Jellyfin documentation does not explicitly tells if the "Known Proxy" setting is for "external | source IP" or is it for "internal | destination IP". Can someone clears this up for me?

RE: Configure Proxy - TheDreadPirate - 2025-02-28

Known proxies would refer to some other device acting as a relay for traffic to your Jellyfin server. This would usually be the host or container running Nginx, Apache, Caddy, or some other reverse proxy on a different host from Jellyfin.

Known proxies does NOT refer to clients or the server itself. Only the middle man, if one exists.

RE: Configure Proxy - mtoss - 2025-02-28

That is not answering my question. Reverse Proxy has 2 IP addresses. Public ( or external sometimes called source IP ) and internal or destination IP. My question is which of the two should I enter in the field?

I use Synology Reverse Proxy and for this example is has Source and Destination IP.
My source IP is Public and exposed to internet with DDNS, cert and all. Then, I have reverse proxy Destination IP pointing to my internal local network - 172.x.x.x.

I have 2 choices:
1. Enter my public DNS hostname or
2. Enter internal IP address

RE: Configure Proxy - TheDreadPirate - 2025-03-01


RE: Configure Proxy - mtoss - 2025-03-03

FYI and for anyone using Jellyfin in a Docker container on Synology, my advise after testing - leave that field set to blank. Synology Reverse-Proxy does all the work.