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Problems with Dolby Vision tone mapping on Intel J5005 (UHD 605) - Printable Version

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Problems with Dolby Vision tone mapping on Intel J5005 (UHD 605) - SebOs - 2023-09-22

I have following setup:
- Debian 12.1 (kernel 6.1.0-12) running bare-metal on Intel J5005 (UHD 605, Gemini Lake), 8GB RAM
- Jellyfin 10.8.10 running on Docker with official jellyfin/jellyfin image (bundled with ffmpeg 5.1.3-Jellyfin)
- Transcoding set up with QSV, enabled VPP Tone mapping and OpenCL Tone mapping

Transcoding works fine, same as Tone mapping HDR10 videos. However tone mapping Dolby Vision videos results in following ffmpeg error:

[Parsed_tonemap_opencl_3 @ 0x555659b26940] Failed to finish command queue: -5.
Error while filtering: Input/output error
Failed to inject frame into filter network: Input/output error
Error while processing the decoded data for stream #0:0

I found some thread on old subreddit pointing to problems with Intel OpenCL on platforms other than Ubuntu LTS. Is there anything I can try before going through hassle of redoing my whole setup on Ubuntu?

RE: Problems with Dolby Vision tone mapping on Intel J5005 (UHD 605) - TheDreadPirate - 2023-09-22

The text for VPP tone mapping says it only works on certain Intel hardware (not specific) and only on HDR10.

Try unchecking VPP tone mapping.

RE: Problems with Dolby Vision tone mapping on Intel J5005 (UHD 605) - SebOs - 2023-09-22

Actually it's VPP tone mapping which makes HDR10 videos work in my case. When I turn it off, both HDR10 and DV videos crash ffmpeg. So it seems that OpenCL tone mapping is the problem, but thanks to Prefer OS native DXVA or VA-API hardware decoders option enabled, HDR 10 videos are being VPP-tone mapped and Dolby Vision ones fall back to OpenCL Tone mapping.

RE: Problems with Dolby Vision tone mapping on Intel J5005 (UHD 605) - nyanmisaka - 2023-09-23

OpenCL has been broken on Gemini Lake for a while. Roll back to 5.15 kernel and try again.

RE: Problems with Dolby Vision tone mapping on Intel J5005 (UHD 605) - SebOs - 2023-10-01

I switched to Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS (5.15 kernel) and Dolby Vision tone mapping works flawlessly now. Thanks for help!