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The streaming bitrate limit setting is not working as intended - Printable Version

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The streaming bitrate limit setting is not working as intended - lydia-y - 2025-03-01

原始视频为 40Mbps。当我将流式传输比特率限制设置为 15Mbps 时,通过 Web 浏览器播放时该限制可以正常工作(流传输式上限为 15Mbps)。但是,当使用 Infuse 等客户端或其他支持直接硬件解码的客户端时,流式传输比特率限制会被忽略,视频仍以原始的 40Mbps 流式传输。



RE: The streaming bitrate limit setting is not working as intended - TheDreadPirate - 2025-03-01

This is a known issue with Infuse.

My hypothesis is that Infuse is not using Jellyfin's playback endpoints and is instead using the download endpoints. In doing so, the server cannot apply bandwidth limits.