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Video Thumbnails - Printable Version

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Video Thumbnails - sweeney1988 - 2025-03-02

Hi i searched in the web but couldn't find the right answer. Is it possbile with plugin (?) to create video thumbnails of a movie like netflix on mouseover ?

Thank you

RE: Video Thumbnails - TheDreadPirate - 2025-03-03

When you are browsing for a movie? And you hover over the movie? Or do you mean like the previews on the time line when you are skipping through a video you are already playing?

RE: Video Thumbnails - sweeney1988 - 2025-03-03

Yes i mean the first. Is this trickplay ?

RE: Video Thumbnails - TheDreadPirate - 2025-03-03

No. Trickplay is when you are playing the movie and the time line will show previews at that time stamp.

But you could utilize trickplays for this function. But this is not something a plugin nor CSS can implement. This would require straight up modification of jellyfin-web.