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Installing with existing Emby installation. Password incorrect - Printable Version

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Installing with existing Emby installation. Password incorrect - DaveDick00 - 2023-09-23

I'm trying to use Jellyfin with an existing installation of Emby.  I saw that Emby/JF both use the same default ports, I shut down Emby prior to installing JF.  
On the initial config screen for JF, I entered in the admin name/password, but when it came time to login, it said the password was incorrect (used the same admin name I have on Emby, but used a different password).

Is there anything special that I need to do ?  I did not try using my Emby password since I assume that Emby and Jellyfin config files are in different folders?

RE: Installing with existing Emby installation. Password incorrect - TheDreadPirate - 2023-09-24

The install directories should be in entirely different locations. If you need to do the initial account setup you can go into system.xml and re-enable the setup wizard.

Stop Jellyfin.

Edit /etc/jellyfin/system.xml


Change to false. Start jellyfin.