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Upscaling on the fly - Printable Version

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Upscaling on the fly - jjj - 2023-09-27


I have my client Windows PC connected to 4K TV (LG C1) via HDMI. On the client i use MPV Shim with the following scaling option:
I'm pretty happy how it upscales 1080 content to 4K.
Now i'm looking into using Jellyfin native app for LG WebOS on this TV without connecting the PC, but the TV's scaling is not as good as MPV's. I've tried to play around with the TV shapness settings, but the results were far from MPV.
I've been thinking about upscaling files on the server using this lanczos algorithm (i believe ffmpeg is able to do such thing), but i would like to avoid upscaling for sake of preserving the original files and also because it may take a lot of time to deal with different formats.
I've tried to google about upscaling on the fly options in Jellyfin, but didn't find much results about it.
Could anyone help please or share their thoughts?

RE: Upscaling on the fly - bitmap - 2023-09-28

I found a feature request:

But that's about it. I am not aware of any options for doing this other than what you have already described or "pre-upscaling" using ffmpeg libs or plugins or other processing tools that might provide better upscaling options than what is available. I know the C1 has a lot of options as far as AI picture shaping, but I don't know how it handles low-res content and upscaling. I haven't really been satisfied with how anything has handled much of the content I've processed, though I've been lucky enough to find either AI-upscaled version from passion projects or DVD remuxes that are decent enough quality after being de-interlaced that I can deal with shitty upscaling.

RE: Upscaling on the fly - jjj - 2023-09-28

Seems like i'll stick with the PC client for now then :) thanks!