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Can I list movies in tv series or show certain collections in media folders? - Printable Version

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Can I list movies in tv series or show certain collections in media folders? - AlternateWitness - 2023-09-29

I have a few situations in which this is really bothering me. I have a film collection that has a documentary series on the creation of the franchise, which have a number of full-length documentaries. They are all listed individually on imdb, but they are meant to be watched together. Instead of having each part of if listed individually in my media folder, is there a way to create a tv series, add all of the documentaries, and still have Jellyfin get and detect metadata for all of the movies? If I make a collection of all of the series, is there a way I can list that collection in my media folder and not have the individual documentaries listed, while still keeping my other collections and film series as they were before?

I also have a TV show that has a TV movie that is not listed as a special on TheMovieDB, but is still meant to be watched along with the main series. I would also like to know so I can detect this movie to fit it into the TV series.