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Find path of upload - Printable Version

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Find path of upload - digichr - 2023-10-03

Dear all
Due to so policy changes at another software I moved to Jellyfin. So far all good but I seem to not understand one thing. Lets say I upload a series to /home/media/series/captain_chris/s01e01 (Upload or move)
I would expect then if I rescan and order by “added date” to appear it first. However sometimes it doesn’t. What sometimes then helps is searching for “captain” or “chris”. But also doesn’t help sometimes.
If there a way to find how the directory “captain_chris” got identified. And yes. Read access is there.
Thanks and sorry for such a basic question.

RE: Find path of upload - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-03

Sorting and search not working consistently in Jellyfin is a known issue and should be fixed in 10.9, whenever it is released.