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SOLVED: mp4 songs are not appearing in the music library - Printable Version

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mp4 songs are not appearing in the music library - Nexusnui - 2023-10-06

After creating a music library I noticed that non of my music saved as mp4 files appeared in my library, while other file formats like mp3 or flac where correctly found. I tried rescanning, but that did not change anything. I also tried searching with different search engines, the documentation and this forum for a solution. The only thing I could find was this stale GitHub issue wich would indicates that mp4 music may be unsupported.

Here is picture from the Metadata-Manager the first directory contains an album with one mp3 song and the second an album with several mp4 songs(wich do not appear):

Search terms I used(without the jellyfin part on this forum):
-Jellyfin mp4
-Jellyfin mp4 music
-Jellyfin mp4 musicĀ  not found
-Jellyfin mp4 songs
-Jellyfin mp4 songs not found

Renaming my ".mp4" files to ".m4a" solved the issue.

RE: mp4 songs are not appearing in the music library - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-06

MP4 is a VIDEO container and is not supported in a Music type library. If these are Music Videos, there is a Music Video type library.

RE: mp4 songs are not appearing in the music library - Nexusnui - 2023-10-06

No they are songs without any video, most audioplayers I used recognise them as music.

RE: mp4 songs are not appearing in the music library - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-06

Then you will need to repackage them into an audio specific container (mp3, flac, ogg, opus, etc.). Jellyfin will not read in mp4s since they are mainly used for video.

RE: mp4 songs are not appearing in the music library - Nexusnui - 2023-10-06

Could changing the file extensions from ".mp4" to ".m4a" help to indicate that the files are audio files and not video?

RE: mp4 songs are not appearing in the music library - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-06

Give it a try. Pretty sure m4a is supported by the Music library.

RE: mp4 songs are not appearing in the music library - Nexusnui - 2023-10-06

That worked and I will now write a small python script to rename everything.
I also created a pullrequest on GitHub and added as section about file extensions on the documentary page for music, so others are spared the search for a solution.

RE: mp4 songs are not appearing in the music library - Nexusnui - 2023-10-07

After renaming 975 files everything appeared in the library.