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How can I restore Jellyfin metadata on a fresh install? - Printable Version

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How can I restore Jellyfin metadata on a fresh install? - mikozee - 2023-06-24

  • Versions: Jellyfin version 10.8.10_14.1.3, from the TrueCharts (TC) repository on TrueNAS Scale version
  • Context: When TrueNAS had a major update, it "broke" many of TC's apps, requiring its users to delete and redownload the apps. Thanks to a migration script, the transition was mostly seamless, except for one major issue with Jellyfin.

  • Issue: On a newly installed Jellyfin with old Jellyfin configurations restored (via the script linked above), video playback is running into an error.
  • What I've tried: Toyed with setting changes to no avail. I've confirmed that on a freshly installed Jellyfin without old configs migrated, video playback is functional. That means something from the old Jellyfin configurations is causing this error.
  • What I want: Restoring the old Jellyfin metadata on my media files. Many of it were adjusted and manually edited, so it would take hours to recreate. I don't care about any of the other things, like users, play history, etc., a fresh installed Jellyfin with all my old metadata is perfect.
  • What I lack: The know-how to operate a linux-based shell to move files around. I've gotten as far as being able to mount the dataset the current Jellyfin is in, and with the migration script linked in the beginning, I have all the configurations of the old Jellyfin. The missing knowledge for me is not knowing which folder contains the metadata, and the command to actually replace the current Jellyfin metadata folder with the old one.

RE: How can I restore Jellyfin metadata on a fresh install? - nerdspar - 2024-01-11

Hey, did you ever figure this out? I'm going through the same TrueCharts app updates and no longer have a functional Jellyfin. I'd love to know how to get things back in service.