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Problema con los metadatos de la temporada (anime) - Printable Version

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Problema con los metadatos de la temporada (anime) - Karma - 2023-10-09

Hola, pido disculpas por no escribir en inglés, no lo hablo, espero puedan entenderme.

Mi problema es que Jellyfin organiza mal mis series de anime.

Pondré como ejemplo "Akame ga Kill! (2014)", es una de las series que Jellyfin ordena incorrectamente, tiene 24 episodios de temporada y 24 especiales, (descarto el especial S00E25 ya que es simplemente una recopilación de los primeros 8 episodios)

Lo que hace Jellyfin es mezclar episodios especiales con episodios de temporada.

Plex organiza mi anime a la perfección, pero Jellyfin coge mi biblioteca y prepara un cóctel molotov con ella.

PD: Disculpen, he creado 3 post idénticos, ¿Podrían eliminar los dos anteriores? Gracias.

RE: Problema con los metadatos de la temporada (anime) - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-09

Try re-scanning just the show and select "replace all metadata". I've had issues when I fixed how an anime was organized and it didn't let go of the old entries until I replaced all metadata.

(2023-10-09, 03:43 PM)Karma Wrote: PD: Disculpen, he creado 3 post idénticos, ¿Podrían eliminar los dos anteriores? Gracias.

The duplicates have been removed.

RE: Problema con los metadatos de la temporada (anime) - bitmap - 2023-10-09

Quote:Hello, I apologize for not writing in English, I don't speak it, I hope you can understand me.

My problem is that Jellyfin organizes my anime series poorly.

I will use as an example "Akame ga Kill! (2014)", it is one of the series that Jellyfin orders incorrectly, it has 24 season episodes and 24 specials, (I discard the special S00E25 since it is simply a compilation of the first 8 episodes)

What Jellyfin does is mix special episodes with seasonal episodes.

Plex organizes my anime perfectly, but Jellyfin takes my library and makes a Molotov cocktail with it.

PS: Sorry, I have created 3 identical posts, could you delete the previous two? Thank you.

Part of the issue here is metadata providers. You may want to use one of the plugins that provides anime metadata. AniDB is decent at this, it will even provide metadata for series that don't exist in TVDB. This way you can utilize a provider that will order anime in a way that you see fit. There are several plugins in the standard plugin catalog that offer metadata without need for an account or API key. Make sure that you use a provider like AniDB (or any anime metadata provider) with an anime-only library, as you will probably cause irreparable harm to another library through metadata replacement otherwise.

I was going to show how AGK is organized on my end, but I don't have the specials so it doesn't really work as an example. I have plenty of others if you're interested.

RE: Problema con los metadatos de la temporada (anime) - bitmap - 2023-10-09

You may also check the Display Order that is set for your series. In some cases, particularly anime, the default option (Aired) may insert special content into the season lineup. Edit a series > edit metadata > Display Order.


RE: Problema con los metadatos de la temporada (anime) - bitmap - 2023-10-10

One more place to look after I did another sweep today...

Dashboard > Libraries > Display > Display specials within seasons they aired in


Uncheck this if you want to disable this behavior globally.