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Resolve server by hostname - Printable Version

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Resolve server by hostname - s0rce - 2023-10-10

Is it possible to resolve a server by hostname from the Android client, this seems to work perfectly from a PC via the website hosted on the server? Any possibility for the Android client?


RE: Resolve server by hostname - bitmap - 2023-10-10

I'm guessing you don't mean FQDN? You're meaning jellyfin.local or similar?

RE: Resolve server by hostname - s0rce - 2023-10-19

Yes, _____.local

RE: Resolve server by hostname - Deleted User - 2023-10-19

(2023-10-19, 03:31 AM)s0rce Wrote: Yes, _____.local

jellyfin nonspecific, android in general has trouble with lan dns lookups because of how the dns is setup

you would do better with a google search for "how to lookup .local domains on <your device here>"

since it can be device, manufacturer and os version specific the variables are many

RE: Resolve server by hostname - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-19

There is a setting called "Private DNS". Check what it is currently set to. If it is set to use Google DNS or something, try turning that off and it should use whatever your default gateway is (probably router).