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Jellyfin update - Rincevan - 2023-10-10

I have the version 10.8.9-1. So far, every things works fine.

1: Is it usefull to update to 10.8.11 ?
2: Will i loose all my setup and metadata if I update jellyfin ?
3: is there a risk of crash? I have tons of movies.
4: what is the link for the good version to install on Qnap? 

A last question for Qnap users? I see a lot off people instaling Jellyfin with "Docker or Container station", not sure of the good name. I have installed Jellyfin just as an app with all the other app of the Qnap. Does it make any difference ?

thank you very much

Ps, thank you to understand my poor english, i did my best  .

RE: Jellyfin update - Six66Mike - 2023-10-10

I've done a few server version upgrades and never had an issue with the content being lost, data or metadata.

RE: Jellyfin update - elephantLYFE - 2023-10-11

Sorry, not sure about QNAP, but I'll share similar experience on Synology Docker setup.

I have docker(Synology) and have learned from my own mistake when upgrading Jellyfin.
I did the "reset" update container i think, and it reset and did a clean install.

Problem was i left two directories in the default docker directory (config & cache) those were deleted with clean new ones.
So i lost a bunch of my data for viewing activity, and all of the pictures for actors.
Lost my collections i had curated.
(Annoying as some i spent a lot of time manually curating certain actors.)

However, my movies/shows/music were all fine. Artwork was all ok. NFO files were all ok.
This is because i followed correct procedure for creating separate directories.

Step of creating separate folders for cache/config is mentioned in below documentation, and 3rd party blog.

General Docker:
Synology Specific:
3rd Party Blog(Synology):

Please double check your homework & research.
Above is only my personal experience.

RE: Jellyfin update - Rincevan - 2023-10-11

You don't reassure me. ;-)

Why using Docker for Jellyfin?

RE: Jellyfin update - bitmap - 2023-10-11

In general, QNAP no different than any other NAS system, but Docker vs. "native app" the answer for me would be: you can run the officially-supported Jellyfin image. The QNAP Jellyfin app is a third-party version of Jellyfin that may introduce vulnerabilities (e.g., running as root on the NAS), bugs, not receive updates at the same rate that the supported versions of Jellyfin do, and may not receive all of the features that Jellyfin does when you use the official versions.

From what I could tell from a quick look around, the barrier to using Docker is learning how to use containers. This means learning how to use Docker commands, what it means to bring up a container, to mount a volume, what happens when you stop a container, remove a container, if you forgot to mount your volumes, etc. There are also easy-to-use apps like Portainer that can help you manage containers via a web application rather than command line.

So...running the QNAP app? You're pretty much on your own or will need to seek support from the QNAP community or one of the very few QNAP users that frequent this forum. Docker, on the other hand, has a huge following, official support from the Jellyfin team, and bugs and vulnerabilities are generally addressed quickly based on the team's assessment.

RE: Jellyfin update - Rincevan - 2023-10-11

Thank you.
This is the kind of clear answer i was expecting .

RE: Jellyfin update - Dex Luther - 2023-10-13

(2023-10-11, 01:18 AM)elephantLYFE Wrote: So i lost a bunch of my data for viewing activity, and all of the pictures for actors.

Somewhat off-topic, but using the TRAKT plug-in could save you from losing viewing activity. Not sure if/how it would work if you have multiple users though. 

For yourself though, you install the plug-in and disable the "Import from TRAKT " Scheduled task, then follow the instructions for setting the plug-in up and linking it to your TRAKT account. Then Run the "Export to TRAKT" task and/or let it do its thing in the background. I usually run the Export task manually before updating to make sure the latest info gets uploaded just in case.

If/When you do another boo boo and lose viewing activity and stuff, then you run the "Import from TRAKT" task manually and you should get most if not all of your viewing progress back.

It's also useful for when you're rebuilding or moving to a new device.

Disclaimer: Shows/Movies not on Trakt obviously can't be tracked, but I haven't run into a case of that yet.