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Did I bite off more than I can chew? - Printable Version

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Did I bite off more than I can chew? - Antonbp5 - 2023-10-14

Hello everyone!

I just got ahold of a used asustor AS6202T because I have always wanted my own media server so I can stream all my movies and tv shows whenever and wherever.

So now I have done some research for how to do the remote access to jellyfin, as that is one of the key features I want.

And man, is there a lot.
I don't want to use a VPN as that feels to "clunky" so I have gone with a reverse proxy method instead.
For a (relatively) secure configuration, I need:

A reverse proxy
A domain name
All within my NAS, as I want to avoid having some sort of server/router, in between. Mind you, I have never used a NAS.

And as much as I work in IT, it suddenly felt a bit overwhelming.
So my question, I guess, is:
Have I Bitten off more than I can chew?
Has anyone else been in my situation, and did you get it up and running or did you have to admit defeat?
Am I overthinking it?

Thanks for all the help I can get!

-a new NAS owner.

RE: Did I bite off more than I can chew? - Deleted User - 2023-10-14

without knowing your skill level it would be difficult for anyone to assess 'how much you can chew'

also cannot speak to whether or not your chosen nas is capable of such things

i know the things you are trying to do are completely possible

what you can do, however, is break down everything into parts and create a post to try and resolve each one individually

not everyone does everything so putting it all in 1 single post may not get the results desired

ask good questions, pointed and direct, what you have tried where you read your directions and at which step it is not working

RE: Did I bite off more than I can chew? - hasthebestcats - 2023-10-14

I know that VPN's feel clunky, but really, they're the easiest way to setup secure access to your home network. My router has Wireguard built in, so it took 3 minutes to setup. Even produces a QR code to easily setup the client on my phone. But even manually setting it up is a lot less work and worry than the reverse proxy/purchase domain name/ddns/making certs/etc route. Wireguard has apps for pretty much any device, making it very easy to configure. But I do not work in IT or anything like that, this is just my lay advice, so if you ignore it I won't be offended lol. But Wireguard = easy and secure. The only real benefit to doing it through the reverse proxy route is ease of sharing with other people, but that's also its biggest potential security issue.

RE: Did I bite off more than I can chew? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-15

To start with. The 6202T has a pretty old Intel CPU (Braswell, circa 2014). Transcoding is not an option for this CPU. If your library is encoded for max compatibility, transcoding can be avoided. This means H264 Main profile, 8 bit color, AAC stereo audio, burned in subtitles.

I know its possible for Asustor to run Jellyfin and a reverse proxy (with https), but I'm not aware of beginning to end documentation for Asustor's environment.

If you had an old PC, but newer than 2014, you could use the old PC to run Jellyfin and still use your Asustor for storage.

RE: Did I bite off more than I can chew? - User20111 - 2023-10-17

I went the easy route. While not the safest. I'm not to stressed. I port forward. Then once Identified all the IPs that will be remotely accessed. I blocked all other incoming traffic to that port.