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Jellyfin Server Library discovery - Printable Version

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Jellyfin Server Library discovery - Robert Redmayne - 2023-10-22

Hi Forum,

I am new to Jellyfin and well quite a few other things that I'm trying to overcome. 

I feel that I've really thrown myself into the deep end but really want to try and work through this, if I can.

Some background: 

I have multiple PC's in my house, I thought it might be a good idea to set up 1 as a host for some VM's (I think this is where its all started to go wrong). I am running Windows 10 on my host and HyperV for the VM's. I have set up my first VM (which I want as a media server) with Ubuntu as the OS. I've been through and updated / upgraded multiple things and can access it through a terminal on another PC. I've added Jellyfin server and can access that on another PC.

The issue: 

The issue that I am facing is when I attempt to add libraries. I have set up a Virtual drive for all my media. This is at the location of "/media/rob/MediaFiles" I have other subfolders set up for Films, TV shows and Music however, whenever I try and find this on Jellyfin, I can get as far as  /media/rob/ and nothing else shows.

I've created a group and added jellyfin user to that but that didn't work

I've gone down rabbit holes trying to find the solution, nothing that I seem to search for comes up with anything, I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Can anyone point me in the right direction at least?

RE: Jellyfin Server Library discovery - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-22

9 times out of 10 its a permissions issue. If you gave Jellyfin permission to /media/rob/MediaFiles then jellyfin also needs at least read+execute permissions on every directory above it (/media and /media/rob). This allows a user to traverse the directories until it reaches the directory it does own.

What's the output of each of these commands?

ls -ld /media
ls -ld /media/rob
ls -ld /media/rob/MediaFiles

RE: Jellyfin Server Library discovery - Robert Redmayne - 2023-10-22

Hi TheDreadPirate,

Thanks for your reply.

Everything that I have read points to that but I just don't seem to resolve. Here are the outputs

ls -ld /media
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct 21 21:36 /media

ls -ld /media/rob
drwxr-x---+ 3 root root 4096 Oct 22 21:32 /media/rob

ls -ld /media/rob/MediaFiles
drwxrwx--- 6 jellyfin jellyfin 4096 Oct 21 21:37 /media/rob/MediaFiles

I am going to start again as I have lost SUDO ability on my user.

RE: Jellyfin Server Library discovery - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-22

The jellyfin user doesn't have sufficient permissions to navigate beyond /media/rob. You would need to run "sudo chmod 755 /media/rob"

RE: Jellyfin Server Library discovery - Robert Redmayne - 2023-10-22

Thank you, I am more than frustrated that I didn't back up so I'm going right back to install.

I'll revisit if I get stuck at the same point.

RE: Jellyfin Server Library discovery - Robert Redmayne - 2023-10-24

Thanks, this helped a lot