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Images in SSD drive? - Printable Version

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Images in SSD drive? - thepwrtank18 - 2023-10-23

I want images from my media's metadata (backdrop.jpg, folder.jpg, logo.png, etc) be loaded from my SSD instead of my HDD, where my media is stored. That way, images load faster, and I won't have to hear the hard drive seeking when I'm simply scrolling.

RE: Images in SSD drive? - Deleted User - 2023-10-23

you have jellyfin library data location on the ssd?
and, you must have overridden jellyfin saving images to it's library location by putting local art into the media folders?

2 options i see

remove the local art and let jellyfin put it all on the ssd
use an overlayfs (if you are on linux)

otherwise, not sure

off topic -
if your drive sounds as bad as you indicate you might want to check it's health


also symlinks as the next post suggested, didn't think of that

RE: Images in SSD drive? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-23

If you are on linux, you could use symlinks.

RE: Images in SSD drive? - thepwrtank18 - 2023-10-23

I put the data directory in the HDD drive, expecting that was where the media was supposed to go before I realized otherwise. I'm running Windows.

RE: Images in SSD drive? - Deleted User - 2023-10-23

you didn't do it incorrectly, if you want local art then it needs to be side by side the media it belongs to

with that however it has to be side by side

if you do not use local art then jellyfin will download the art to it's database folder, which would end up being on the SSD if that is where you setup jellyfin