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Unable to connect to MacOS server on FireTV - Printable Version

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Unable to connect to MacOS server on FireTV - LeoBloom - 2023-10-24

I have set up the Jellyfin server on my MacOS device (M1 chip)

http://localhost:8096/web/index.html#!/home.html shows the media folder + media I have designated. 

My FireTV is on the same WiFi as my MacOS device, and when I launch Jellyfin on my FireTV, I see my MacOS device on the discovered servers with the correct IP address and port

However - when I click on the discovered server it states "Unable to connect to server, tried the following addresses" followed by the local IP via https address "SSL handshake failed" and local IP via http "Unable to Connect"

What am I doing wrong?

I don't know if it matters, but I did have Emby installed prior to this and deleted it by removing from the Applications folder

RE: Unable to connect to MacOS server on FireTV - Deleted User - 2023-10-24

does macos remember certs for a host? try changing server's ip

or perhaps it is rejecting a self-signed?

RE: Unable to connect to MacOS server on FireTV - LeoBloom - 2023-10-24

I just tried changing the MacOS IP (ie server IP) -- the FireTV discovered the new IP but still getting the SSL handshake error

RE: Unable to connect to MacOS server on FireTV - LeoBloom - 2023-10-24

Nevermind! Turned out to be an issue with my access point -- I was using an access point that was hardwired to another access point. Once I tried connecting both devices to the original access pointe everything worked!

RE: Unable to connect to MacOS server on FireTV - Deleted User - 2023-10-24

generally speaking, certs are a difficult subject on android and by extension fireos

self signed, apps have to install root certs for them to be trusted, which means they have to be packaged

otherwise, you have to install them into the system itself, which requires at minimum root on the device, this can be done with an overlay but not physical because you would not be able to copy it into the root partition (it's read only and bricks if the bootloader finds out the signature doesn't match, a lot more to this that does not fit this topic or forum)

with that, if using a self-signed cert, it is unlikely to work on android and you should switch to http

i use http personally on my fireos device and it does not have any issues