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Files not showing in shared folder win11 docker - Printable Version

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Files not showing in shared folder win11 docker - mekka - 2023-10-25

Hello guys so let me explain some details of my configuration:

- All my media are stored inside my old nas qnap (ts-420).

- Host PC was Win11 machine running Jellyfin trough docker compose.

- Multimedia folder inside qnap was mounted in host Win11PC "Z:".

- Jellyfin is installed trough docker and run with compose with this yaml configuration:

version: '2.12'
    image: jellyfin/jellyfin:latest
    container_name: jellyfin
    user: 1000:1000
    network_mode: 'bridge'
      - 8096:8096
      - C:\Users\fabio\docker\jellyfin\config:/config
      - C:\Users\fabio\docker\jellyfin\cache:/cache
      - Z:\Animazione:/media:ro
    restart: 'unless-stopped'

Jellyfin run fine but when i add media folder nothing was loaded. 
I've made a test coping "Animazione" folder locally on Win11 "C:\user\Animazione" and it works fine.
Maybe need to add permission to YAML file to log into shared folder?

RE: Files not showing in shared folder win11 docker - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-25

If you are running it in docker on Windows, I'm assuming that also means you are using WSL2. WSL2 should mount all your drives within the virtual Ubuntu OS in /media, I think.

Any reason you can't run Jellyfin directly on Windows?

RE: Files not showing in shared folder win11 docker - bitmap - 2023-10-25

Finally I agree with you: don't use Docker with WSL2. Native install would be a better solution.

RE: Files not showing in shared folder win11 docker - Deleted User - 2023-10-25

*don't use WSL(2) (for anything, it's useless)

RE: Files not showing in shared folder win11 docker - mekka - 2023-10-27

Ok. I follow yours suggestion and installed natively on win11. Now it works like a charm. Thank you all.

I have another question. If need to open another topic just tell me.

Is there a way to backup watched status and all the tweaks I made to metadata and profiles?
If it's there a folder with this i'm thinking about sync those.
Want to do this cause if somethings go wrong i feel big pain to manually set again all that preferences and all the proper metadata and profiles.

RE: Files not showing in shared folder win11 docker - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-27

In the library settings you can set Jellyfin to save images and metadata to files that will be saved in the same folder as the video. This will make your metadata "portable".

I know there are plugins that manage watch status. I don't use them myself, but I'm pretty sure @bitmap knows more about them.

All that information also resides in Jellyfin's database. So if you backup your database files, as long as you are moving from and to the same install type you can just copy and paste the database files.
