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View List of Episodes? - Printable Version

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View List of Episodes? - sorcho - 2023-10-25

Hi, first time posting to this forum, I apologize if I'm not doing this correctly.  I tried to search my question, found an answer that didn't help entirely on Reddit, and I'm looking here.

Just getting started with Jellyfin.  I have some TV series and I don't know how to just get a list of episodes from different seasons.

I checked out this question:

and thought it might be my folder structure -- for at least one of my shows I didn't have it divided into season folders and I should have.  That helped -- i was able to click right and see all the episodes of a given season.

But there are a couple which *are* divided correctly into season folders, and while I can see "More From Season 1" and get to anything in Season 1 that way, I can't see anything from season 2 in the shows interface.

Is there a way to get to the second season from the basic Shows interface?  Without watching through the first season?  Like if I just want to start watching the second season?

Thanks very much.

(essentially I'm finding a lot in the docs about how to organize your stuff behind the scenes, and very little about actually using the interface to watch things!)

RE: View List of Episodes? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-25

What is your file and folder structure like? When you open a show there should be every season available. Also, what metadata source are you using?

RE: View List of Episodes? - sorcho - 2023-10-25

Apparently I'm going insane? I swear to God I was looking at the interface this morning and I only saw one season of any show, no matter where I looked.

I'm looking at them now and I see all the seasons, on all my shows.

OH WAIT here it is --

If I click through to the show via "next up" or "continue watching" I get to the view where I can't see seasons. If I go to the main page, click "Shows" then the "show" then I see everything I would expect.

OK, that was my problem!