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Some new files don't play, but I found a fix. How can I avoid this in the future? - Printable Version

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Some new files don't play, but I found a fix. How can I avoid this in the future? - nothingveryobvious - 2023-10-25

Hello. This forum has been very helpful to me so far with previous issues, so I hope someone can help me out with this issue.

I've noticed that sometimes a newly added file won't play (e.g. a new anime episode). However, if I remove the episode file from its series folder, scan all libraries so Jellyfin removes it from the system, add the episode file back, then scan all libraries again, Jellyfin will be able to play the episode.

How can I avoid this problem in the future, or are there any shorter workarounds other than what I've found?

I'd appreciate any help. Thank you for your time!

RE: Some new files don't play, but I found a fix. How can I avoid this in the future? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-25

Make sure that jellyfin has read permissions to the file. If another app is writing these files, it may not be setting the permissions to allow jellyfin to read them.

RE: Some new files don't play, but I found a fix. How can I avoid this in the future? - nothingveryobvious - 2023-10-25


Thanks for your reply. Yeah the file definitely has adequate permissions (777). Also all I'm doing is moving it out and then moving it back, and that seems to work. I'm not tinkering with the permissions in any way when I do that. I suppose the next time there's a problematic file I could check its permissions first and see if/how that changes when I do the move out / move back in fix.