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Crossfade between tracks in the player? - Printable Version

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Crossfade between tracks in the player? - pixel24 - 2023-10-26


Is there an option in Jellyfin to have a crossfade between tracks in the player?

The BPM value is in each track which supports the calculation.

with best

RE: Crossfade between tracks in the player? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-26

Not in the official player. There are 3rd party clients that might. Fenshin on desktop, Finamp on Android.

RE: Crossfade between tracks in the player? - bitmap - 2023-10-26

Symfonium will do this and works quite well with Jellyfin as a media provider. I also figured out a way to effectively separate my libraries using service accounts for my audio library (podcasts) to allow users to access with third-party apps while keeping the library invisible in the Jellyfin client where visual media is consumed (if that's the desired behavior).

RE: Crossfade between tracks in the player? - pixel24 - 2023-10-26

Thanks for the info. I did not know that I can use other players for Jellyfin. I will have a look :-)

RE: Crossfade between tracks in the player? - pixel24 - 2023-11-02

I have installed and connected Finamp from F-Droid.

Here there is:

- No distinction between album artist and artist
- No playlists from JF are displayed

Is this normal?

RE: Crossfade between tracks in the player? - pixel24 - 2023-11-02

(2023-10-26, 03:22 PM)bitmap Wrote: Symfonium will do this and works quite well with Jellyfin as a media provider. I also figured out a way to effectively separate my libraries using service accounts for my audio library (podcasts) to allow users to access with third-party apps while keeping the library invisible in the Jellyfin client where visual media is consumed (if that's the desired behavior).

I am trying Symfonium right now. I installed it from F-Droid and "allowed" all permissions on first launch. I found this article on the wiki:

I have looked at all the settings. But nowhere can I find anything to add a provider. As it is shown in the wiki.

What am I doing wrong?

RE: Crossfade between tracks in the player? - pixel24 - 2023-11-02

ok, in the F-Droid seems to be a different version. Since I run my phone exclusively with OSS (GrapheneOS) and no Google account I have probably bad luck.

I don't think there is a fully functional OSS app besides the JF app, is there?

RE: Crossfade between tracks in the player? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-11-02

(2023-11-02, 10:20 AM)pixel24 Wrote: - No playlists from JF are displayed

Is this normal?

This is a known bug in 10.8.11.  The only workaround is to create a playlist with an M3U file (a pain in the butt, I know).

(2023-11-02, 10:20 AM)pixel24 Wrote: I don't think there is a fully functional OSS app besides the JF app, is there?

AFAIK, the official app is the only one that does both video and music.  Finamp and Symfonium do music only (Symfonium isn't OSS).  Findroid does video only.  There's also the alpha LlamaAmp and Jelly Player.

RE: Crossfade between tracks in the player? - pixel24 - 2023-11-02

Ok for the info! I'll just stick with the official app. It all works fine. I'll just do without a few luxury functions.