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Only Jellyfin inaccessible through nginx proxy Manager - Printable Version

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Only Jellyfin inaccessible through nginx proxy Manager - charlielx - 2023-10-29

So I recently set up nginx proxy manager and was working my way through setting up the servers I want remotely accessible. I've got literally everything else done, all working as expected, and I add jellyfin, but for some reason its the only one of the 4 that does not work and I can't seem to figure out why. I've got remote access enabled, I've got port 80 and 443 forwarded, I've got the proxy host correctly pointed at the server and host with SSL forced. This is the exact same way all my other servers are set up, but when I go to the domain I chose it just redirects me to the default page for my domain. Is there something specific that Jellyfin requires that is out of the ordinary?

RE: Only Jellyfin inaccessible through nginx proxy Manager - TheDreadPirate - 2023-10-29

Can you see in the jellyfin logs that there was a connection attempt?

When you say "with SSL forced", is that for connecting to nginx? Or between nginx and jellyfin?

RE: Only Jellyfin inaccessible through nginx proxy Manager - charlielx - 2023-10-30

Nah nothing shows up in the logs unfortunately, it's like it's somehow not exposed even though the ports are definitely exposed. And it's the "Force SSL" setting in the SSL tab in nginx, for connecting to nginx, yes

RE: Only Jellyfin inaccessible through nginx proxy Manager - Dennis Müller - 2023-11-19

i have the same issue.

RE: Only Jellyfin inaccessible through nginx proxy Manager - levogevo - 2023-11-19

In Jellyfin, make sure the ip of the NPM instance is set in the Dashboard->Networking->Known Proxies.
In NPM, try adding this custom configuration (remove the space between the forward slashes in proxy_pass line):
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_pass $forward_scheme/ /$server:$port;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

Jellyfin works fine for me NPM and https this way

RE: Only Jellyfin inaccessible through nginx proxy Manager - phreatic - 2023-12-07

I'm new to this and just figuring it out, however mine works even though my JF is a different physical device to my proxy.

I have SWAG and NextCloud running in containers on my OMV NAS and my JF is a separate dedicated Pi4.
Did you edit the (or your equivalent of) jellyfin.subdomain.conf file to change:

"set $upstream_app jellyfin;"
"set $upstream_app <IP ADDRESS of JF Server>;"

My DNS seems ok, but it had to be the IP address.