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Problem Identifying Bleach - Printable Version

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Problem Identifying Bleach - klopez91 - 2023-10-30

Hi, I am trying to get the episodes correct for the bleach series. I have the original series (2004-2012) and the latest 2 seasons (2022-2023) for the thousand year war. I was able to successfully identify the episodes for the original + 2022 but could not get it to identify the last season (its season 17 part 2). Interestingly I have found that using tvdb they lump all of season 17 together (pt1 and 2, but some other metadata sites count the first 16 seasons (2004-2012) as a different anime than season 17. I would love to just have it as just one series and have it get the titles correct. 
I have the the following pluigins: anidb, anilist, anisearch, tvdb, tmdb, omdb and a few others enabled. Everytime I do identify: I only get results from TVDB and OMDB, nothing from the anime metadata providers... Why is that. I have formatted the naming convention (Anime/Bleach/Season 17/Bleach - 17x15 - Peace From Shadows.mkv).

Has anyone gotten this to work?

RE: Problem Identifying Bleach - bitmap - 2023-10-30

Yup. Are your anime in a separate library? If so, you should deactivate the metadata providers you don't want to use. Because I use an external program, my experience isn't exactly the same, but I know from past experience that unchecking the incorrect metadata DBs will provide you with the correct information.

Most folks who use Jellyfin exclusively to identify media and gather metadata for anime utilize anime-centric DBs and disable the others. If you want a single series, find the DB that lists the series this way, disable the others at the library level, and refresh the series with the replace all metadata option. I know that TVDB correctly identifies Bleach as a single series, but anime providers might do this as well.

RE: Problem Identifying Bleach - Revv23 - 2023-10-30

Are you trying to get season 17 to show as 2 seasons (Part 1 & 2) or are you trying to get it to match the TV DB listing?

With some Anime's you might have better luck manually identifying by clicking the hamburger -> metadata. I had to do this for the 2 different versions of Berserk.

RE: Problem Identifying Bleach - klopez91 - 2023-10-30

Thank you. This method worked great! Totally didnt realize I could specify the metadata provider for each library. Once I did this, it worked perfect. Thank you. Now I have it listed as tvdb.

Was trying to do the tvdb listing. Got it to work, didnt know I could select the metadata provider at the library level