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Transfert Windows data to TrueNas Scale - Printable Version

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Transfert Windows data to TrueNas Scale - Nast - 2023-10-30


I currently have a machine running Windows 10 Pro, and I'm running a Jellyfin server on it with my data stored on an external hard drive. I'm considering switching to TrueNAS Scale, but I would like to transfer my Jellyfin data to this new TrueNAS Scale installation. Is this possible?

Thank you.

RE: Transfert Windows data to TrueNas Scale - Deleted User - 2023-10-30

this is unlikely to work and in the event it did you would spend more effort transferring than rebuilding

windows paths are stored in jellyfin, C:\path\to\database, C:\path\to\media

truenas being linux the paths are going to be /path/to/database, /path/to/media

if you disable live scanning, change all the paths in the new setup it is still going to end up looking for something in a path that doesn't make sense to it

RE: Transfert Windows data to TrueNas Scale - Nast - 2023-10-30

Yes, I know! That's why I was asking if there was something for that...
Oh well, I'll commit sacrilege: install a Windows Server.