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Hide a folder from one library but not from the ohter? - Printable Version

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Hide a folder from one library but not from the ohter? - TennysonPesco - 2023-11-02

I currently have a HDD which has a partition full of movies (each located in their own folders), and this is used for the Movies library. However, as I haven't come around to partitioning my HDD for TV shows, I also have a folder containing these in the movies partition

My issue is that this obviously causes the TV shows to populate my Movies library, which I don't want. To try and circumvent this, I've added a .ignore file to the folder full of TV shows. Whilst this successfully hides the TV shows from the Movies library, it seemingly prevents them from populating my Shows library

Is there any way I can selectively choose this one folder for the Shows library, and make the Movies library ignore it? Many thanks!

RE: Hide a folder from one library but not from the ohter? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-11-02

AFAIK, there is no way to do what you are asking. Your shows and movies should be in completely separate folders. You would need to make a new folder at the top level of your partition to move your movies into. And the same for your shows. A separate shows folder at the top level of the partition.


Or something like that.

RE: Hide a folder from one library but not from the ohter? - abpjf - 2023-11-02

If I'm understanding correctly, you have a _single_ folder of "TV Shows" located inside your "Movies" folder?

|-Star Wars
|-TV Shows
| |-ALF
| |-X Files

If so, why not just move the TV Shows folder "out" and then point JF to it as the TV Shows media?

If the above starts in a partition, as in treat the "Movies" folder at the top as your partition, then you can just create the 'Movies' folder and move everything that's _not_ the TV Shows folder into it. Then re-adjust where JF looks for which media.