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Duplicate Album Artist - Printable Version

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Duplicate Album Artist - kulak - 2023-11-02


My Music library has directory structure:
  • Vanessa‐Mae
  • - Storm
  • - Subject to Change

However when I look at "Music" library -> "Album Artist" -> letter V -> I see 2 entries for "Vanessa-Mae".  Both look the same, but each one has one album inside.

When I inspect Metadata I see two different paths "/var/lib/jellyfin/metadata/artists/Vanessa-Mae" and "/mnt/data/media-share/Music/Vanessa‐Mae".

I have "NFO" enabled on my library.

RE: Duplicate Album Artist - abpjf - 2023-11-08

I've had this happen a few times myself with certain albums/artists, and rather than try to figure out what Jellyfin is thinking, I found it far easier to dump all those music files for a given artist into MP3TAG ( and made sure all the music files in question were re-tagged with the exact same Artist name. that does the trick every time.

also helps to make sure that every title that's supposed to be in a given Album is actually in that Album - again, easy to do with MP3TAG.